“I knew you were a badass,” he murmured, and kissed her hard.
“Alright look, you sneak around and get the kids out from the side stairs. If someone sees you, hold the gun on them. I’m gonna get the other two from behind. Was the Beta notified?”
“Yeah. Maya called him.”
Just then, Michael felt a tug on his Pack bonds. They were coming. It was going to be okay.
“We should wait,” he muttered, then the largest Crow struck Della across the face.
“Fuck that,” his mate said, and he nodded.
It was time to act.
Michael waited until he saw Samantha round the bend carefully to get to Sean and Janie. His mate was so damn brave. She ducked beneath the staircase and put the rifle on her shoulder by its strap. He waited for her to get them away from the house, then he shifted and went for the nearest asshole.
“Fucking whore! Stole my kids! Stole my drugs. Now I want them back, Della,” he spit as he yelled.
“YOU will never get your filthy hands on my kids,” she shouted back.
“Don’t want them bastards. Want my drugs, damn you,” the nasty Crow snarled and went to hit her again.
Only this time he was stopped by a pair of enormous jaws wrapping around his forearm.
The other two Crows scattered while their buddy screamed, but Michael was not letting go. He shook his prey, using his sharp fangs to tear through flesh and bone, separating the man’s arm from the rest of his body.
Della fell to the ground, but she was already moving away, crawling towards where the kids were stashed.
Michael couldn’t see what else was going on. He was being attacked from the sky now by the other two Crows. Della’s ex yelled and cried, clutching at his bleeding stump.
The two Crows were fast, and their talons were viciously sharp. Michael snarled in Wolf form as they tore at his fur and back. The night sky was black, shadowing the birds.
Lucky for him, Michael could see in the dark. He turned his lupine head, catching one in the wing with his fang, but the other one scraped his talons across his face, and he yelped, shaking his head as blood poured into his eye, blurring his vision.
He tried to use his hearing to sense where the Crows were going to attack next, but that dickhead was screaming too damn loudly.
Still, they were coming for him. Best he could do was try to be quick and not stay in one place.
“Arroooooo!” he howled in pain.
Then a shot echoed, followed by another and another and another. Then he heard it. Two thuds as the Crow shifters landed hard on the solid earth, shifting back to their human forms.
Only one was breathing. And as far as he was concerned that was one too many. But it wasn’t Michael’s decision.
He felt his Pack closing in on his location. Della and her children were heading for Samantha’s house, all three safe and sound.
But Sunshine, where was she? That was who he was concerned about.
His sweet brave Sam. She’d saved him! No sooner had Michael shifted back to his human form than his mate ran to him. She vaulted into his arms, rivers of tears staining her face.
“Oh God, are you okay?”
She leaned back, using her sleeve to wipe the blood from his eye. He was already healing, and from her shocked gasp, she was realizing that right now.
“It’s okay, Sunshine. Damn, you did so good, Mate. I am so proud of you,” he murmured, kissing her head and holding her close.
“Michael Duarte?” a familiar male said, coming into the yard.
“Yes, Beta. Um, allow me to introduce my mate. This is Samantha Jones. Sam, this is Seff McAllister.”