His fingers gripped hers as he guided her to the door. Thank goodness for the ventilation system he’d installed. The smoke had already cleared, andthe lemon verbena air freshener Samantha had chosen was already getting rid of the stink.
Fear flashed through him at the thought of how badly that could have gone, and he stopped again and pulled her against him, hugging her tight.
“Shit, you could have been hurt,” he repeated.
“Michael, I’m fine,” she told him softly.
“Dad?” a small, uncertain voice sounded from the now open front door, startling both adults into jumping apart.
“Yeah, Honey. I’m in here. It’s safe to come in. Just a little cooking incident,” Michael said and smiled with that last word as he stepped back from Samantha.
“Wow, Dad, this is some place! What were you cooking, Sam? It smells like burned beef! I’m Maya,” said Michael’s daughter.
He watched approvingly as she held out her small hand for a firm, no nonsense handshake.
“Hi Maya,” she said and looked from Michael to Maya and back again, a small grin on her face. “Yeah, I had a little accident while trying to cook. It’s very nice to meet you, Maya. Your father speaks very highly of you. Please call me, Sam.”
“Really? Okay, then, Sam! And I get it. Dad used to burn stuff all the time before Aunt Eileen cameand showed him how to use the oven,” she explained.
The little traitor.
“I didn’t burn that much stuff,” he muttered.
“Yeah, right, Dad.”
“Alright you. Get settled at the counter there with your homework please while I talk to Sam,” Michael said.
“Yes, Dad. But do I have to do that now? I want to explore the newWolfMoonavatars. And maybe later I can ask Samantha some questions?”
“Maya, you play that game all the time,” he replied.
“I know, but I told you I want to work for Graves Enterprises someday! I need to constantly keep up to date with all the upgrades in the software,” she explained.
“Didn’t I read Graves Enterprises is located right here in Maccon City?” Sam asked, following the conversation.
“Yes! Randall Graves is awesome, he’s part of the Pac?—”
“Pack of entrepreneurs that makes Maccon City so great. Maya, do your homework first. Now,” Michael said through gritted teeth.
“Okay. Oh, Sam, here is a smoothie for you. Andmaybe we can order dinner later,” Maya said, ignoring the adults as she sat at the counter and grabbed her backpack.
Michael tried to hide his grin as he turned away. She was so very like him. Nervous about what Samantha thought, he followed her into the hallway by the staircase.
He’d never kept his child’s existence from the sexy redhead. He always spoke fondly of his daughter, but he’d never asked Sam if she wanted kids.
Like all fated mates, his feelings for her had developed before he’d gotten a handle on all her likes and dislikes. Surely, the Fates would not have paired them if she didn’t.
He’d just have to find out.
Chapter 15
Pretty girl. Hair and eyes just like her Dad, Samantha thought as she went to change out of her smokey clothes.
Michael had wanted to talk, but she begged for a moment to shower. She combed her long red hair and pulled it back into a haphazard bun with curls coming out around her face.
The look would have been sloppy on most, but she hoped to pull it off.
Samantha pulled on a pair of loose pants and a snug top and added a pair of sneakers. She headed downstairs. Michael looked nervous about bringing Maya, and whatever she might be feeling about their fast pivot into a sexual relationship, she did not want him to think his child was an issue for her.