Page 39 of Her Werewolf Lover

Samantha nodded and did as he said. It felt too good not to. The sweatshirt was warm from his body, and it smelled just like him. She sniffed at the collar unobtrusively and wrapped her arms around herself.

“You look damn good in my shirt, woman,” he growled, leaning over to kiss her quick and hard on the mouth.

“But you look even better without it,” he said with a wicked boy wink.

Sam blushed the whole way back to the house. Michael had stopped the truck, insisting on helping her out and walking her to the door himself.

“There now,” he murmured, kissing her again.

“Building castles in the sky,” she whispered, ducking her head down.


“Oh, nothing.”

“Samantha,” he said firmly, pulling her against his chest and using his other hand to grip the back of her neck, forcing her to lift her head. “Any castle I build is on solid ground and it’s for keeps, understand?”

“You hardly know me,” she said, shaking her head.

“I know you, Sunshine. Tell me, I don’t,” he dared her.

“Michael, you don’t have to say things like this to me?—”

“I don’t have to. I want to. You aren’t getting rid of me, Sam. It’s best you just accept that,” he murmured before dropping a hard kiss on her mouth. “Now, get that sweet ass of yours inside and lock the doors. I’ll be back soon, Sunshine.”

“Okay,” she said wide-eyed, and watched him leave from the window.

She wondered how this man had come to mean so much to her so quickly. He seemed part of the day to day now. Hell, he’d even given her a nickname before she knew what happened.

Michael was too good to be true. Even with allthe strange growling. Honestly, she thought it was kind of sexy.

To think he was her lover now. She blushed at the description. Even though it was true.

He was sleeping in her bed, loving on her at night, and kissing her silly in the morning after feeding her pancakes of all things.

She smiled then. A big, warm, happy smile, and goddamn, it had been a really long time since she’d done that.

There was still so much she didn’t know. Like about his daughter. Maya.

Was the mom in the picture? Would this complicate things for them?

“Ugh,” she moaned out loud, shaking her head.

These were not things she thought she would have to worry about at her age, but Sam felt helpless to do otherwise. She really liked Michael.

Okay, fine. More than liked him.

Love was a small word. But it was a big commitment. Could it be possible? Did Samantha love him already?




Was it wrong to fall so fast like this? She wondered, but couldn’t do a damn thing to stop it.

It felt too good. Being with him felt too good.