Page 16 of Her Werewolf Lover

“Hang on,” he interrupted, grabbing a pair of protective glasses from his belt and sliding them on her face.

She blinked and nodded her thanks. Then she faced that wall like it was her greatest enemy. Pride filled him as he took her in.

Sexy little badass.

“You can do this, Sunshine,” he whispered, and watched her narrow her eyes at the wall.

With a small grunt, Samantha smashed the hammer through the sheetrock.

She looked fierce and beautiful. Like a warrior staking her claim. She wasn’t some trophy or just some beauty queen or whatever her ex had her believe.

Samantha had spunk and grit, and Michael liked both. He had to admit she was not what he’d expected at all.

Mine, his Wolf snarled.

Chapter 5

What a hottie.

Michael looked good standing there, a wide grin splitting his handsome face as his eyes raked over Samantha’s sweaty, dust covered ensemble.

“That was fantastic,” he said, looking at the mess she made when she pounded a hole right into that ugly wall.

“It felt fantastic,” she confirmed, handing him back the hammer.

“I bet. So, how much are you looking to invest? You said all of it, but what does that mean?”

His thumbs were hooked on his pockets, displaying his long-fingered hands for her thorough perusal. She sure liked a man with nice hands.

Samantha watched as he slowly turned away from her. Good thing, too. In another minute, she might have done something really stupid.

Like reach for him.

Wait, what was he talking about?

Oh. Money. Crap.

It had been a long time since Samantha had had to ask how much something cost. Oddly enough, instead of filling her with dread, she felt something else bubbling underneath the surface.

Hysteria? Excitement?

Some combination of both, maybe.

For the first time in forever, Samantha Haleigh Jones, no longer Birkmeyer—fuck you very much, Gary—had to ask how much?

“Okay, um, first, what should I call you? Is Michael okay?” Sam asked and licked her lips.

Was it getting warm in there?

“Michael is fine,” he grinned, and she gulped.

“Okay, Michael. Money is actually going to be an issue for a little while,” she started, “You see, I am on a budget until I find some means of gainful employment.”

“Are you looking for a job?” Michael asked, his perfect eyebrows going sky high.

“Yes. Actually, I am.”

“Oh, I figured with your career you had money to burn,” he said carefully.