Page 14 of Her Werewolf Lover

The sounds of footsteps coming down the stairs reached his ears just before her scent hit him.

Saliva gathered in his mouth, and he swallowed. Hard.

She entered the living room and fuck, she looked good. Before, she’d been fresh from the shower with her hair wet and dewy skin—a knockout to be sure.

Now, she was all dressed and tidied, and the result was positively stunning.

She had on a pair of stretchy pants and a plain gray top that weren’t designed to attract, and yet he was.

Very, veryattracted.

Thick hair in an intricacy of colors he’d never be able to label fell in curling waves around her feminine shoulders, drawing his eyes like moths to a flame.

Sunlight streamed in from the window behind her, lighting her on fire the same way she kindled flames inside of him and his Wolf.

Her pale, smooth skin seemed to glow like ivory in the sunshine. Healthy and lovely, all natural, too, to his surprise.

He knew she was a former model from his aunt. But she wore no make-up that he could see.

He inhaled a deep breath and ran his hand through his hair, hoping to control his beast’sreaction. Of course, at that same moment, a blast of vanilla filled his nostrils.

He bit his tongue to stop his growl from emerging.

She smells like a French vanilla ice cream.

His favorite.

Michael cleared his throat as she gaped at him expectantly.

“Well?” She asked as he blinked his eyes at her.

“Um,well, there is nothing structurally wrong with the house or the grounds-”

“I know that, but come on. What do you make of allthis?” She gestured around her.

“Well, I have to admit, Sunshine, this was somewhat unexpected. Uh, myTiasaid your husband bought this house?”

“Ex-husband, Mr. Duarte, and yes, Gary bought it. I asked for it in the divorce settlement. But, as a special little gift, he hired his first wife to decorate the place once it was decided I would live here. He’s funny like that,” she muttered, and Michael had an urge to look Gary up and pay him a visit.

“Seriously though,” she continued, “I can’t stand it as is. There are too many walls in here, too much separation. I think he had them added when he asked his first ex-wife to redo the place. Do you haveany ideas on how I can open the space and get rid of,well, all of it?”

She turned her luminous hazel eyes on him.

Fuck yeah, we can do that, Sunshine.

Michael had to regroup for a second. The nickname just came to him and now that he thought it, he admitted it was perfect.

Samantha was bright and beautiful as the sun, and just as precious to him. She wouldn’t know it yet. She couldn’t. But someday. He was counting on thesomeday.

Soon. Someday soon, his Wolf insisted.

She will be mine. My Sunshine.

She was tall for a human woman, but even in heels, she wouldn’t be eye level with him. He liked knowing he wouldn’t crush her, but there was something to be said about being able to take care of her in every way.

He could make her feel good, couldn’t he?

“Yeah, we can do that,” he murmured, but was he answering her questions or his internal ones?