Page 20 of Doubly Tied

“Your pussy is so fucking tight, Ani. S’good and wet for me. Want you to come for me. Want you to come all over my cock.” Brody’s words filled her with a mix of naughty delight and need. She shivered, scratching at his nails.

“Fuck, she likes it when you talk dirty. Her ass is squeezing my dick,” Mayne grunted behind her, his big hands tweaking her nipples.

Ani moaned loudly. Together, their movements made it difficult for her to think, much less speak. Her body tingled, pussy started to spasm. She was falling, falling, falling, then suddenly it hit. A tidal wave of pure bliss unlike any she’d ever achieved drowned her in sensation.

The pleasure built and built, interrupted by two sharp pangs on each shoulder, but that faded away all too quickly. Eclipsed by the pure ecstasy each male delivered to her very grateful and thoroughly sexed body. White hot lights danced beneath her eyelids, slowly dimming to a bearable gold. Her entire body ached deliciously as her lovers slowly withdrew from her heat, petting and kissing her along the way, whispering words of praise and few grunted phrases that sounded oddly animalistic and caveman-like. Lots ofmines,ours, andmates, but she was too exhausted to wonder what they meant.

The kind of attention and affection she was getting from the two men was unlike any of her prior relationship experiences. Crazy after just hours of meeting them. Adventurous she was not, but in this case, Ani was going to make an exception.

She was taking a leap of faith. Frightening as that was, she had to admit, being with Brody and Mayne felt right. Of course, she wasn’t delusional enough to think it was permanent, but a girl could dream. Both men flanked her, cuddling close on either side, and Ani wanted to smile but she was bone tired. Hands ghosted over her skin, whispered words of praise reached her ears, and soft, masculine lips caressed her as she drifted off to sleep, completely satisfied for the first time in her life.


Many hours later…

Ani woke up with satisfaction oozing from her pores. But those delicious and warm feelings were fleeting in light of an unprecedented attack by some gun-wielding madman. Her heart raced in her chest. She didn’t understand everything that was happening, but she had the craziest idea brewing inside her mind.

The whole scene played out like something in one of the romance novels her sister, Ginger, recommended through their shared e-library. Big, growly men, talk of Packs and animals, the word mate being flung around. Ani shook her head. This simply could not be.

Trust yourself.

She heard the words echoing inside her brain but pushed them away for now. First things first. Mayne was bleeding from a bullet wound. His face looked pale beneath the bronze tan that seemed to cover him from head to toe. She was beyond worried about the man who had come to mean so much to her in such a short time. Holding the sheet she had wrapped around her body earlier against the wound, she tried not to cry at the thought of him dying but failed.

It was a little bit comforting to know Brody had beaten the gun-wielding attacker to within an inch of his life. He’d hogtied the guy with a thick leather belt, leaving him on the floor while six big as fuck men came running inside, teeth bared and snarling, to haul the crazy fuck away.

All of this had just happened right in front of her eyes. It took less than fifteen minutes, and Ani hadn’t even had coffee yet. Her brain couldn’t handle this. She was going to lose it. Like for real.

“Love, are you alright?” Mayne asked, his big hands running over her arms and anywhere else he could reach.

She was currently covered in the second sheet Brody had tossed around her after he’d secured the shooter. She felt his presence behind her, though he addressed the others who were still standing in the hallway.

“Get this piece of shit out of here. Throw him in a cell to await trial. He attacked our mate and will be held accountable. Someone, find Sam. I know he put him up to this.”

“Yes, Alpha.”

“That motherfucker has a lot to answer for,” Brody snarled.

The animalistic sounds should have been frightening to her, but Ani understood he wouldn’t hurt her.


Very odd.

But for some reason, she was not scared. Well, not for herself, anyway. The blood seeping through the sheet she had pressed against Mayne’s chest had her heart stuttering inside her chest. She couldn’t bear to think of a world without him in it.


That wasn’t normal either, was it?

Ani never got attached to men. Especially not men this hot. There was no future in it for her. She knew better than to let her heart run away with her.

“I’m okay, Ani. Really. Look,” Mayne said, lifting the sheet to reveal a thick scar where a hole had been moments before.

“How is that possible?” she asked, falling back on her butt.

“Shifters heal fast, sweetheart.”

“Shifters? What do you mean?”