Page 8 of Doubly Bound


Not yet.

He wrestled with his beast. They would not approach her. Not until they had a plan. This was too important to fuck up.

“Bugger,” he grunted. Callan wiped a hand over his face, but it was no good.

The three females continued their little chat. He wasn’t focused on their words. No, those were swept away by the sea breeze. Callan only had eyes and ears for one. His sexy as all get out mate shone among them like a beacon calling to him. His own personal lighthouse guiding him home.

Us, Callan. Guiding us home, Landry brushed against his mind. Finally, the Liger had found his voice. Though, to be honest, it was a wee bit growly.

“Aye.” He agreed. “Ours.”

Heat pulsed through him. The flames began in his stomach. Building to boil, they rose in his chest until he puffed smoke from his nostrils. He wanted to Shift. To woo her with his might. To spread his wings and soar high above. Give her a taste of the majesty of his beast. Aye, he could show her his silvery scales and shoot rows of flame from his jaws to impress her.

And scare the fuck out of everyone in the process, Landry mused.

Bloody hell.

That was the first time, his Dragon had almost gotten away from him in centuries. But what could he do? The curves of her scantily clad body were distracting to say the least. With his cock throbbing hungrily inside of his swimsuit, it was a wonder the Dragon Shifter was still standing.

“Come on. We need to blow off steam.” Landry elbowed him. “She is fine. Protected. I contacted four of our detail to keep an eye out on her and her companions. We need to be in control when we approach her,” Landry said, his voice thick with his Liger.

The blond giant nodded his head toward a group of their Guard as they headed nonchalantly towards the beach. With one more pointed look at their mate, the Liger trembled and ran, diving under the incoming waves. The Omega left Callan to follow. It was touch and go for a moment. His Dragon did not like leaving her in the care of others.

One look told him Landry had set their best men to the task. The Alpha Omega pair might not run a traditional Pride or Clan, but they’d surrounded themselves with the most lethal band of loyal Shifters they’d ever met. Men whose dominance made it impossible for them to stay in their Prides, Packs, Clans, or what have you. Keeton, Silas, and Niels were some of the best men he’d ever served with. Warriors all, and trustworthy to boot.

These Shifters were highly skilled and trained. And most importantly, they were loyal. Too aggressive and powerful for where they’d been born, but Landry and Callan handled them just fine. The unit worked security detail for the Heads of the Alpha Omega Council right there on Moongate Island. Pride flowed through the Silver Dragon as he thought of his Guardsmen.

Callan’s beast roared through their connective link. He felt the members of their Guard stand at attention. Yes, they would be alert, and they would protect what was his. Every fiber of his being trembled with rage and desperation. His Dragon snarled. He wanted to go to the lass. To throw her over his shoulder. Take her to his cave where he and Landry could claim her until she was too exhausted to say naught.

Bugger all.

She had his brain so addled, he was back to using phrases and words from his native Scotland. Maybe Landry was right. A good long swim should help take the edge off. Then they could comprise a plan of attack. Like waging war.

It’s not war, Callan, it’s love, the White Liger gently chastised, but his Dragon was not convinced.

What’s the difference?

The beast puffed out a breath of smoke that dissolved as Callan met the first wave head on.