Page 5 of Doubly Bound

“Nay.” Callan shook his head, causing his long dark locks to tumble down from the leather thong that held them back from his face. “And I will not get my hopes up, Landry. Neither should you.”

Landry’s sad blue eyes met his, and the Liger within hissed and growled at his Alpha through their bond. Fucking hell. Now, he’d pissed off his partner’s enormous beast as well. What a bloody fine day he was having!


The animal knew him well enough to gauge his intent. He just didn’t want to see either of their hopes crushed, much like the glass he’d recently shattered. The odds they’d find their mate were slim to none. Moongate Island might be a wondrous place that held one of their many homes, but despite the involvement of the Witch Coven, he doubted anyone special was coming there for them.

“Come on, some of the males are on the beach. Let’s join them.”

“Alright,” Callan agreed, and together they left their private bungalow.

Landry was entirely for the inclusion of human women in their search for the fated mates of the Alpha Omega pairs. He’d been pushing for it for a good while now. Callan glanced at his longtime friend and partner. He noted the male’s wide shoulders and lean waist, his power subtle and yet there in the feline grace of his movements.

He was certainly the more handsome of the two. Landry Smyth was indeed a good looking fellow with his wealth of pale, shiny, blond hair that he kept short in the back and long on top. Ladies loved the way it framed his clear blue eyes when it fell forward. Or so Callan had heard often enough.

Stop checking me out, bro. It’s creepy, Landry pushed the snarky comment into his head through their shared connection.

It wasn’t the first time the cocky Omegahad read his mind without Callan’s meaning to broadcast. Even so, Callan’s Dragon snarled. He might be part of their Triad, but he was the Alpha.

And I am the Omega. As such, I won’t cower before you. It is why we work so well. Now, be easy, brother, you know I meant no foul.

“I know,” he said aloud, and rolled his eyes at the younger man’s shenanigans.

Though there was nothing sexual between an Alpha and Omega pair of a Triad, they could easily tell when the other was in the mood. When mated, their entire focus would be on their third. Once found, that is. But until then, the two had prepared for the way they would share her with a lengthy line of willing women.

Women that Landry talked into bed. Callan being the rougher of the two, used his natural dominance and animal magnetism to attract females. Landry used his silver tongue. Callan’s Dragon was a two ton beast, and his human form was just as immense. He intimidated more normals, males and females alike, than he’d cared to admit.

How the fuck was he going to take a human mate? Nay. This would work for the others, but not for them. Standing seven feet tall, he weighed in at two hundred eighty pounds of pure iron hard muscle. His thick, dark hair hung past his shoulders, a testament to the days when he’d first reached adulthood.

Battle-scarred with a nose that showed evidence of being broken twice, he was a far cry from the model good looks of his Omega. Men and women both watched in awe as he walked past them. The same could be said for Landry, though their eyes went soft at the prettier male.

Fuck you, growled the Liger’s voice inside his brain. You and I both know the normals are awed by the sheer magnificence of our power.

Aye. That was true. Callan rolled his shoulders and cast his gaze amongst the throng of folk on the beach. It was already later in the afternoon than he’d have liked, but it would do.

“Tone it down a little, eh?” Landry suggested, and Callan cut off his growl.


He hadn’t even realized he was vocalizing. The Silver Dragon hissed and released a puff of smoke from his maw. The beast in him demanded submission from all he came across. Hell, he craved it. Thank the gods, Landry was there to rein in his desire to make all and sundry bow before his might.

“You know, you’re scaring the females.” Landry grinned toward a flock of human women sunning themselves on the beach.

“He is rather scary,” one scantily clad female who’d been eyeing his blond partner spoke up softly.

“I apologize, dear,” the Liger said, stalking her across the sand. “How about a round of daiquiris for you and your friends? To make up for this big lug’s behavior.” Landry winked, gesturing to one of the servers standing nearby.

An array of giggles was the reply. Landry beckoned him over, but Callan shook his head. He saw no reason to stay with the gaggle of simpering women as they fussed over his partner. Yes, they’d shared plenty of women over the years, but lately, they did nothing to whet the Dragon’s appetite.

Callan was more than comfortable knowing and feeling his partner’s desires to sexual stimuli. It was natural. During sex bodies touched, sounds were made, and maximum pleasure was equally achieved. They’d shared countless women over the years, but their hands, lips, and cocks were always focused on those women. Never each other.

Their own sexual enjoyment was enhanced by giving pleasure to one or more women. Of course, nothing would compare to what would happen when they finally had their fated mate. But to a Shifter, especially one involved in a Triad, sex was a truly terrific way to unwind.

As with most Omegas, Landry was the charmer. He talked women into bed, while Callan was happy to fuck them stupid. Sexual release was good for his Dragon’s tension. Odd that his beast vehemently rejected the beach beauties currently batting their lashes at Landry. But Callan knew better than to go against the Dragon’s wishes. Stopping with his bare feet in the sand, he tipped his head back and sucked in a deep breath.


He sifted through the assortment of flavors funneling into his lungs. And fuck him, there were many. Used to the island’s natural odors, he quickly dismissed the salty sea air, sun baked sand, and various fragrances of the flora on site. Next was the myriad of perfumes, lotions, and gods forbid, body sprays the beach goers wore. But beneath all that was something else.