Page 35 of Doubly Bound

“I’m fine, sweet, don’t fret over me.” He grinned and took her left hand in his, kissing her fingertips. “Thank the gods you’re okay.”

“Aye, lass, you had us worried going up against a Witch, and a Dark one at that.”

“How did you know what to do?” Landry asked the same question that was burning inside of him as well.

“Oh,” she said and blushed. Callan leaned forward, eager to hear what his wee mate had to confess. “Well, I was looking over the spreadsheet you handed me, and I’d already surmised the only Alpha Omega pairs who’d reported to have found their mates were the Kodiak Clan, a pair of cowboys who I am pretty sure snuck off the island with my baby sister, and you two.”

“How did you get from there to drawing on our strength?”

“Well, actually, I looked it up in this book my sister was reading.” Her blush grew even stronger.

“A book? About Shifter mates?”

“Well, not exactly. It’s a romance novel—”

“What?” roared Callan. “You put your life on the line trusting some silly romance novel!”

“Hey, buster! I will have you know that silly romance novel saved your—no, make that our asses!” She growled and pushed his arm off her.

Sage stood up and turned around, facing both men. With her hands on her hips and her dark eyes flashing gold, she looked more beautiful than ever before. Battle fresh and adrenaline pumping. The lavender honey scent of her was mixed with his smoky Dragon spice and Landry’s forest fresh musk.

Bloody hell, she smelled delicious.

“The least you two could do is say ‘thank you’. I mean, hello, your kick ass mate here just saved the day! I don’t always sprout fur, claws, scales, and wings for fuck’s sake. How about a little credit where credit is due! If we are going to be a unit, then we are going to have to set some ground rules here. First off, I’m not some sit on her fat ass all day princess—”

“Awww, baby. That ass is perfect,” Landry growled and got a pillow to the face for his efforts.

“Quiet you!” She snapped her fingers. “The only grown-up in the room is talking. Second, I want in on every decision you make for the Triad Council. Especially if you are thinking of hiring Witches to help find mates. Obviously, my co-worker Mildred, is a Witch, but I don’t think she was involved with that beyotch.”

“No, I recognized the name. DiBenedetto was with Willa at my first meeting—” Callan started.

“Ah! What did I say? Shh! Zip it. Now where was I, oh, oh. Next up, after this weekend, I need to see my father. As in, we all do. He deserves to know what, where, and who I will be spending my time with. Ginger and I have already discussed this, and we are agreed. Which brings me to my next point.” She paused and inhaled.

“What is that, love?”

“My sister, Ani, find her and those two, rhinestone cowboy fuckwads, who I am fairly sure kidnapped her, like now. I need to know she is safe.” She nodded.

“Done,” Callan growled. “Anything else?”

“Yeah.” She squinted her eyes, meeting the slightly furious Alpha’s and poked him right in the chest. “Don’t you ever give me shit for reading paranormal romances. They are da bomb, you feel me.”

“Damn, baby, is it wrong you just made my dick hard?” Landry grinned.

Sage blinked at her feline mate, then at her draconian one. The wee minx was caught between chewing them out and giving in to the arousal that had found its way in the room. Not that it was unusual for a Triad pair’s third to be aroused in their presence. Especially not after battle. The warrior in him could so get on board with that.

“Are you saying, love, that you’ve taken a liking to us then? That you have accepted your place with us?”

“Would either of you let me go if I said no?” she countered.

Twin snarls filled the room, and both men were on either side of her faster than any of them could blink.