Only snag was then she would have to tell them she quit her high-paying job in New York City. Shit. She would hate to see that lost, sad look in their eyes. It was something she worked hard to banish ever since they were kids and the local school bullies had called them the Freeman orphans because they had no mother.
Sage had ended that torment with the same right hook she’d used on Matthew. She’d then proceeded to tell the snot-nosed punks that orphans had no parents by definition, and the Freeman girls had a mother and a father, even if their mother had gone to heaven to be with their grandma. The principal, Sr. Marjorie, allowed the explanation to stand. Though she made Sage apologize for punching that mean, buck-toothed Becky Anderson.
If only things were as simple as way back when. She couldn’t just apologize and go back to class now. Nope. She was finished at Jacobs & Co. By default, she was probably going to lose her expensive apartment, her car, not to mention her 401K.
She sighed. It was time for a change, anyway. Besides, she did not have to do or admit a thing just yet. Sage still had her savings account, and her upcoming vacation was completely paid for. No refunds. And truthfully, it had been worth it.
“Miss? You done yet? You have a visitor,” guard two said, intruding on her thoughts.
“Um, Sage?” Mildred DiBenedetto pushed past the security guards, bright purple face mask heaving with the effort of her panted gasps. “Girl? What is going on here?”
“Hey, Mildred. I quit. Sorry, I can’t do lunch today, but thanks for all your help with finding our perfect vacation spot.”
“You mean you, did it? You made reservations?”
“Yep, we are all booked. Plane leaves tomorrow.” She nodded with her Peace Lily in hand.
Wait, did she really need another houseplant? Fuck it. She pushed the thing at her former co-worker and gave her a wide, not entirely sane, smile.
“This is for you. Take care of Henry. That’s what I named him. I name all my plants, isn’t that silly?”
Sage was losing her shit. What kind of person named her plants? The kind with too much time on her hands, and not enough inter-personal relationships, that’s who. Sigh.
“Um, sure, okay, but Sage? Did you read the information I gave you on the resort? It’s kind of important—”
“What? Oh, yeah, I mean I skimmed through it, but I will totally read it,” she lied.
Truth was, she had no idea what she did with the packet Mildred gave her. Put it in her luggage, maybe? She did know the resort looked fabulous, and that was all she needed, really. There was a tiki bar, pristine beaches, top-notch chefs, and as per her sister Ginger’s request, a Bear Claw Bakery in the lobby.
Ginger had a thing for sweets. Ani had a thing for hotties. And Sage just wanted to recharge her batteries. Judging from the cover of the brochure, Moongate Island would provide all three women with what they wanted.
“It was nice working with you, Mildred.” She picked up her heavy box.
“Yes, but Sage?” The woman tried to walk after her to the elevator but her two new buddies—and by buddies she meantsecurity guards—were not having that.
“Miss, please stand back while we escort Miss Freeman out of the building.”
“Really? Guys, I am not about to attack someone, jeez.”
“Miss?” Guard two had his hand on the revolver on his hip, and Sage exhaled.
Was this what her life had come to? Sigh.
She shook her head at Mildred, then got on the elevator. No matter what, she thought, things had to get better than this. And what better way to start than with a vacation?