Withdraw, thrust, withdraw, thrust.
Tension coiled deep within, but she held on to it. Sage wanted it to last forever. It was ridiculous, she knew, but her heart swelled as each man kissed, caressed, and whispered words of love and encouragement while they drove in and out of her overheated flesh.
“Close,” she moaned, rocking her hips into Callan, then back into Landry.
Each male so different, yet so perfect.
Callan was bigger, thicker, fiercer, and more aggressive. His spicy, smoky taste held a sharpness like the edge of a sword, and it wrapped around her, taunting her with his unique flavor.
Then there was Landry. A golden god of a man. He was leaner but no less immense, with rippling muscles and a grace of movement that reminded her of an acrobat. His taste was earthier, like some deep forgotten forest in the dead of winter.
She craved them both, wanted—no, she needed them to touch her, to kiss her, to never stop fucking her. Wanted to ride this high for always. Sage had always been a realist. She was cute, even sexy, but these two made her feel like a goddess.
“Aye, and that you are, mo ghràdh, our goddess. Let us worship you. Let us have you, love,” Callan growled.
Sage’s shocked eyes met his.
How could he know her thoughts?
But she saw it in his silver gaze. He knew. He just knew. Turning her head, she saw Landry nodding too.
“Let us have you, Sage. Say you’re ours.” He plunged into her ass, the burning stretch felt so good.
So much hope for the future, so much longing. She thought it would crush her with its weight, but there it was. She was a fool, but she wanted these men. Wanted them to mean it when they said she was theirs.
Why not take the fantasy as far as she could?
Something reckless and wild bubbled up inside her.
She turned her head and caught Landry’s mouth with hers. Her hand held his velvety soft cheek while she suckled on his tongue, kissing him with everything she felt in her heart and body. Then she turned to Callan and treated him to the same. Searing his lips with the heat of her desire, she kissed him until she was drunk with it.
“Yes.” She moaned along with the word. “Yours, I’m yours,” she said.
Then it all began to happen at once. That pleasure she’d been chasing all night long finally ran through her limbs. She could hardly breathe let alone move, but her men held her tight. They plundered her body, stroking her inside and out until she felt nothing but ecstasy. It wrapped around her clit, then exploded from there into a million and one sensations. Ferocious desire, unrestrained pleasure to the point of agony, until finally it broke free.
Like a raging tide sweeping over her, Sage yelled. A deep, throaty moan that increased as twin shocks of pain assailed her from both sides. Her eyes widened as she turned to see both men biting her flesh. They bit and sucked, then kissed her skin on opposite shoulders.
Fuck that hurt.
She grunted, but as they licked the abused flesh even more pleasure spiraled through her.
It was the single most explosive experience in her entire life.