“No worries, fellas.” She patted their chests as she walked past. “You two are it for me. I know you know how I feel.” She rolled her eyes.
Surprisingly, or not, she meant it. During the drive, she mulled over the last two days with the sea wind whipping her hair around and the sun shining down on the three of them. It dawned on her then, she’d never been quite so comfortable in her life as she was with the two of them.
“Mine,” growled Callan as he walked past the unmated Shifters in his Guard.
“Yes, Alpha,” one male, a Mountain Lion, said and averted his gaze to the Alpha Dragon’s authority.
Keeton Grey, the male’s name came to her through Callan’s hissed Dragon voice. She nodded her head. Apparently, he was a good man. A lone Mountain Lion who needed to regain control of himself and his beast after the terrible ordeal he’d suffered. It was a terrible tragedy, but the guys trusted this man to protect her, so she would too. Not that she thought she needed protection.
“Miss?” Keeton nodded his hello, bowing slightly at the waist when Callan snarled.
She turned, wide-eyed as she witnessed a stream of white smoke escape Callan’s lips and nostrils. His silver eyes glittered, and were those scales popping out on his arms?
“Hey, I’m right here,” she said, and leaned on the big man with more of her weight.
“Mine,” he snarled and wrapped a possessive arm around her as they strolled past the rest of the stone faced Guardsmen.
Our mate, Callan, her Liger whispered to them both through their bond.
Sage could swear she heard a smile behind the snarl, and she knew he was more than happy with the Dragon’s possessive attitude. Not sure if it was a good thing or not, she was content to just go with it. Well, for now anyway. The feminist in her scolded her for being so easy, but her inner naughty girl, the side of her that went wild for her two men, loved his caveman attitude.
But what did this mean for her?
For her future?
“It means we will not be letting you out of our sight.” The Dragon scooped her up in his arms and she squeaked at the flurry of movement.
“Eeek! Hey, you’re going to throw your back out picking me up like that!” She worried her lower lip.
“A wee lass like you? You can’t weigh more than an ounce, love.” Her Scottish Dragon nipped her bottom lip with his teeth, soothing the sting with his tongue, and she opened for him like a rose in full bloom.
Her body ached and throbbed as he placed her gently on the mattress. Sage looked around the huge bedroom. It was positively decadent with an enormous bed and breathtaking view of the ocean. It even had a skylight.
“Landry?” Her question was answered as the big blond man strolled in with her luggage in tow.
“Yes, love?”
“So, whose room is this?”
“Ours,” he grinned.
“So, you guys shared this room? Like even before you met me?” she asked.
Callan bristled, at the insinuation and she couldn’t help but giggle. But seriously. Did they?
“No,” Landry answered, grinning from ear to ear. “This room has never been used. Callan and I have separate bedrooms. But now that we have you, this will be our room.”
“Oh.” She smiled shyly. Truth was, she didn’t mind one bit. The place was certainly spacious enough, but for some reason her stomach had tightened at the thought they would leave her alone.
“It is part and parcel of being mated, love.” Callan sat next to her and even though they were not touching, his mere presence eased her anxiety.
“So, what you’re saying is, I need you. Like physically near me at all times?”
It was completely unbelievable, and yet she felt the truth in his words ring throughout her entire being. Sage was used to being independent, but her own heart thudded painfully inside of her chest at the thought of being separated from her men. Even if just for a little while.
“Sage, we know this is new to you.” Landry exchanged a glance with Callan.
Although quick, she knew the pair were able to convey entire conversations with just one look.