Page 19 of Doubly Bound

Chapter 6

Heat seeped through her clothing from the bodies of both enormous men as they crowded her in the elevator. Sage could hardly breathe. But that was not necessarily a bad thing.

A shudder ran through her as she inhaled the smoky, spicy scent coming off each of them. Cologne maybe? The flavors differed from one man to the next, but they were both equally sexy, and she was equally interested. Sage was like one big, swollen, needy nerve ending. Her body hummed and throbbed, begging for their touch.

Not quite as adventurous as her youngest sister, Ani, her siblings would be shocked to learn this sort of thing was new for Sage. Not that she hadn’t fantasized many times about being the center of a big, sexy man sandwich. Still, the reality was a tad daunting.

What if they lost interest halfway through?

No, she shook the idea from her mind. Sage wasn’t like Ani, but she was not as shy as the middle Freeman sister either. Ginger would probably faint if these two had propositioned her. Honestly, though, she propositioned them.

And why shouldn’t she?

She was a levelheaded, consenting adult, not some simpering virgin. That ship had sailed many moons back. Sure, Sage had her fair share of dalliances with eligible men, but none had ever come close to these two sexy as hell specimens. The brutal truth was these two men were way out of her league.

There, she thought, I can admit it to myself at least. She was a big girl. Even had on her big girl panties. A sexy lace thong she couldn’t wait for these two to see. A wicked grin teased her lips and Callan growled. The way he was gazing at her body with his hard, silver stare excited her. Hell, everything about him did.

He was so big. He made her feel tiny by comparison. They both did. That was novelty. Something she intended to take full advantage of during their time together. But the dark-haired man wasn’t the only one who drew her in.

Oh no. Not by a long shot. Sage loved all pretty things. She stole a glance at Landry and licked her lips. The blond man was certainly that. Like Apollo, she thought, the Greek sun god whose beauty made mortals weep poetry with love and devotion to his golden good looks. Landry was certainly beautiful enough to inspire poets, not that she was one. But hell, she wouldn’t mind worshipping at his feet for an hour or more.

Pretty things, check! But she had to admit she also loved big, rough, sexy things too. Sage sighed as she turned back to Callan. He reminded her of some ancient warlord come to life with his growls and relentless stares. Pillaging and plundering his way through the land. With any luck, she would be next on his list.

Damn, was it hot in there?

Nerves assaulted her as they neared her floor. Hopes and expectations aside, she wondered if they knew what they were doing. Unfortunately, she’d been down this road before. She’d entrusted men with her body, had thought they were going to rock her world, only to be sadly disappointed. The fantasy of them was so incredible, she worried her desires wouldn’t be fulfilled.

This vacation, these two men, were her last chance to live out one of her more erotic fantasies. If this didn’t work out, she’d be on her way to the animal shelter to get herself a kitten or seven as soon as she got back home. Old cat lady, here I come, she thought with mild terror-laced humor.

Landry’s breath tickled her ear, and she leaned back into him. The big presence at her front equally distracting. Both men seemed focused on her, not each other, and that was a good thing. Very promising, she thought.

The one time she had tried a threesome, things ended rather surprisingly. She’d gone full in with elevated expectations, which were sadly thwarted when the men proved more into each other than her. Timothy and Peter had finally embraced their lifestyle, and were still living with each other, if she’d heard correctly.

Bully for them. Sage had yet to find that type of happiness. She didn’t know if she ever would. Had even suspected her predilection with wanting two men meant there was something broken or wrong inside of her. But she wouldn’t dwell on that now. Not when she had two drop-dead gorgeous men ready and willing.

Inhaling a deep breath, Sage mentally prepared herself for what was to come. Mainly her, she hoped, and bit her lip. Okay, so what were the facts?

Fact one, she was with two men.

Fact two, they were not into each other.

Fact three, they were about to have complication free sex.

Fact four, Sage was going to orgasm like never before.

She hoped. Yep. Sounded good to her. You heard it first from me. Sage Freeman. Single, unemployed, thirty-something female whose ass was bigger than she’d have liked, but who knew and spoke her own mind was about to get her groove on.

“Sage,” growled Landry.

“You smell so good,” Callan added and leaned down, inhaling deeply at the crook of her neck. “Landry, what do you think?”

“Yes,” growled the other man, pressing his front against her ass.

The thick bar of his cock sent shivers up and down her spine. Fuck, the man was huge. And the other? There were no words to describe her attraction to the enormous Scotsman with his brogue thickening as fast as his dick was against her belly. They did not build men like this back home, she thought with a happy moan.

“Aye, that she does. Tastes even better.” Callan dipped for a kiss.

Fuck, it was so hot when they talked to each other about her. Like they couldn’t wait to get her naked and sweaty between them.