He was branding her with his lips, ruining her for anyone else, marking her with his tongue. Lance’s kiss was changing the way she would think about kisses forevermore. She was gasping for air by the time he lifted his head. And Anna was gratified to see. So was he.
“Anna,” he whispered her name.
“Hello Lance, Annalia, I see you arrived safe and sound,” a familiar voice interrupted them.
Anna raised her shocked face to see Gerri Wilder dancing alongside them with a dashing, silver-haired man. The older woman was resplendent in a snow-white evening gown that accentuated her figure and her trademark haircut.
“Hello Gerri,” Annalia couldn’t stop herself from smiling widely, “Are you having an enjoyable time?”
“Oh, you look beautiful, dear. Yes, it is lovely tonight,” Gerri smiled.
“Good evening, Mrs. Wilder,” Lance smiled.
“Maybe, Mr. Jacosa, but I think we shall have to see,” Gerri’s eyes seemed vacant for a moment as she answered.
A second later, she nodded, and her dance partner spun her away. Lance was still grinning when he turned to Anna. The older woman’s comment was cryptic, but she was more concerned with the dozens of eyes that seemed to be watching them.
“Can I ask you a question, Lance?”
“Of course,” he said, “you can ask me anything.”
“Let’s stop dancing a moment.”
“Of course,” he led her off the floor.
White flower arrangements with pale blue ribbons adorning them sat on several of the tall tables surrounding the dance floor. There had to be four hundred fashionably dressed people in the large space, and suddenly Annalia’s chest squeezed tight.
She hated crowds. Was shy at heart, but the flowers, the perfume, her nerves, all were adding up. Of course, her asthma pump was in her clutch. The very one she’d checked with her coat at the entrance. But she would be okay, Anna just had to breathe slowly.
Take it easy,she scolded herself. Last thing she wanted was to cause a scene.
“Can I get you something? A drink perhaps?”
“Please,” Anna responded and placed her palms flat on the table.
Lance looked worried. She wanted to tell him not to be, but right then she had other things to do. Like breathe. He hailed a passing server. Snagging a glass of champagne from the tray, he handed it to her. Anna nodded her thanks, sipping the chilled wine to soothe her frayed nerves.
“Anna, do you want to go?”
“No, I apologize, I just got winded.”
“You don’t have to apologize,” he frowned.
“Lance? Um, why did you hire Gerri to find you a date?”
“Well, look at you. I mean, you’re completely hot, and from the moment we walked into this place, dozens of women have been giving you come hither looks. So, obviously you aren’t struggling for a date,” she noticed a striking blonde headed their way, and rolled her eyes.
“For example,” Annalia sighed.
“Excuse me,” the blonde looked at Anna like she was a bug under her shoe.
She practically pushed her out of her way. Her slim figure was decked out in a skintight dress that showed off not an ounce of fat. Red fingernails reached out and grabbed his lapels as the woman pressed her body against his.
Anna’s whole being tensed. She couldn’t help but stare at the scene as it played out. So, this was his usual date. Made perfect sense. She hardly knew him, had no reason to be hurt, and yet Anna felt like her heart was being torn in two.
Maybe he would push her away? Maybe he would explain the blonde bombshell mistook him for someone else? But no. Anna watched Lance’s expression. Red-faced, like he’d been caught double-dipping. Yes, he was more than uncomfortable. He looked guilty.