He was so much bigger than the Tigers she’d seen at the zoo. So much prettier too, something inside her whispered.

Her poor frazzled brain could hardly put together the facts. Dean Romero was a Tiger Shifter. A real, live Shifter. Like the ones she wrote about. Only better because, well, because he was real.

She winced as she felt his beast’s hot breath on her face, anticipating his next move with all the bravery of a B-Horror movie TSTL, that is too-stupid-to-live female main character.

Sigh. Okay, this was so not her proudest moment, but at least she didn’t scream when his hot, sandpapery tongue swiped her from chin to forehead.

"Ooh," she gasped and giggled instead as the Dean-cat proceeded to lick and sniff at her face.

“Okay,” she said when his massive paw reached out and pressed against her cheek as he licked and licked, “okay, that’s enough. Bad kitty!”

His Tiger chuffed loudly, but the beast allowed her to push him away from her face, choosing to bump her belly with his nose next. His head was enormous, and as he laid down, she realized she could probably ride him like a pony. Not that she would try.

Now it made sense, the size of the cabin. The extra wide hallways and huge couch and skylights. He probably did like to lie in the sunshine, like a big overgrown tabby.

Violet grinned, fascinated with the creature as she reached out a cautious hand to stroke his thick, rich fur. She’d always loved Tigers. Who didn’t? She thought as she proceeded to scratch him behind the ears and pet his gloriously thick coat.

“Such a big, boy. Such a pretty boy,” she murmured and laughed when he sniffed indignantly, “sorry I mean, what a handsome man.”

His Tiger seemed to preen at that, and the beast pressed closer to her, knocking her off her feet and purring loudly as he dipped his head to sniff the apex of her thighs.

“No, no! Naughty kitty!” she said and tapped him on the nose, “No sniffing my girly bits!” she scolded when he attempted to do so again.

She watched in awe as the air around his fur began to shimmer and glow as he swapped fur for skin, then suddenly, Violet found herself wrapped in the arms of a very handsome, very naked Dean Romero.


“Believe me now, mate?” he growled, his voice still thick with his Tiger as he dipped his head to inhale the skin at the base of her neck.

Shivers of anticipation raced through her at his nearness. She felt drunk with wanting him, her need spurred on by the possessive hold and the feeling of his long, hard thickness pressed against her soft belly.

At some point the robe had opened and she was wearing only the thin, silk pajama top. Moisture pooled between her legs and Violet knew without a doubt she was going to give in to this man, to this Tiger Shifter, before the night was through.

So, why wait?A voice inside her asked. Take what is already ours.

“Mine,” she said the word aloud and Dean’s hold tightened.

His teal eyes glowed with what she recognized was his beast and his nostrils flared as he breathed in deep and growled as if tasting her arousal in the air.

“Yes, yoursss,” he hissed the word with a little more of his Tiger showing in the sharpening of his features.

For some reason, that alone was ridiculously hot. She felt the rumbling growl that was building inside his chest through the thin silk and her own body like he was her own, personal vibrator and wasn’t that an interesting thought.

“Um, Dean?”

“What is it, little one?” he said and adjusted his hold, dropping hot, open mouthed kisses to her shoulder and neck.

“Fuck, that feels good,” she moaned.

“I can make it feel better,” he said and met her wide eyed stare with his smoldering seafoam gaze.

She saw the promise in them as clear as day and for once in her life, Violet was ready to take the plunge, to do something completely out of character,

“Then do it,” she raised her head and dropped the challenge, gasping when he lifted her off the floor and proceeded to carry her up the spiral staircase to the second floor loft that served as his bedroom.