Chapter Seven
“You are a Shifter now too.”
His last statement echoed in the otherwise cozy living room and Violet blinked slowly. Of course, this would happen.
Naturally, the hottest guy in the universe who happened to rescue her on Christmas Eve, like her own personal Hallmark movie, was too good to be true. In other words, the man was batshit crazy.
Dang it.
Still, all her volunteering at the senior home had allowed for her to see the violent episodes that could accompany dementia, even early onset as he was clearly exhibiting. It’s evil alter ego Alzheimer’s Disease was just as bad, but Violet knew better than to rouse his emotions.
She nodded and got to her feet while he watched her from his perch on the floor. Odd how catlike his movements seemed to her now that he mentioned being a Tiger Shifter.
His entire body was so lithe and graceful, and the way he was sprawled on the floor very much reminded her of cats she’d seen sprawled in the sun.
Violet closed her mouth and pulled the borrowed robe around her waist, securing it more tightly and turned to give him another small, tight lipped smile. There was nothing to be done for him now. Maybe when she escaped she could call for help. The kind that brought sedatives and white jackets.
“Excuse me, a moment,” she said and headed for the bathroom.
“Violet? I am not crazy,” he said and from the sound of it, he was following her.
“Oh, I didn’t say you were crazy,” she returned and hurried.
“Violet! Please, turn around,” he said in a voice that brokered no denial.
She stopped and closed her eyes, hating that she was stuck indoors with a man she wanted to jump on, but who happened to think he could turn into a big cat.
Of all the stupid luck, she growled and stopped abruptly when the sound turned into an actual growl.
What the fucking fuck was going on?
“Violet, I am going to change into my Tiger now, but I want you to understand that I would never hurt you. Don’t be afraid, okay?”
By the time she turned to face him, Dean was gloriously naked once more. Violet’s mouth went dry as she eyed him slowly from the top of his dark head down his impressive chest, ridiculously defined eight pack, to that part of him that was currently standing to full attention.
“Never mind that now, little one, it’s my Tiger that wants to meet you,” he said in a voice that was even deeper than before.
She continued to stare a beat longer, then her gaze dropped and she could hardly stop herself from looking her fill. Her eyes travelled down his thick muscular thighs to his calves, and even his feet.
She was sick, she told herself, even as her insides warmed at the sight. Oh well. It was true though, he had nice feet, she thought, and as a nail tech she truly appreciated that in a person.
“Dean, look, I know what I write doesn’t appeal to everyone, but you don’t need to poke fun,” she decided to call this what it was, a joke at her expense.
Wouldn’t be the first time, after all, but still, she hadn’t pegged him as cruel. This was why she used a pseudonym in her writing. Not everyone was mature enough or had a wide enough imagination to handle the content that went hand in hand with paranormal romance.
“Look at me,” he commanded and she did, unable to stop herself from obeying when he used that strange tone of voice.
It was like something inside of her recognized his power and strength. She wasn’t forced to watch, it was nothing like that. More of a compulsion, a deep seated interest in seeing this thing through.
“Dean, look, I get it. I should be grateful to you and I am for saving me, but I understand if I made you uncomfortable with that kiss. I was out of line-”
“Holy shit,” Violet gasped as the man she’d been trying to apologize to stopped being a man.
One second Dean was standing there, the next second, an enormous orange and black striped Tiger was prowling towards her in the suddenly very small hallway. Violet backed up, one step after another until she hit the wall.
“Okay, I admit it. You were right. Big kitty, nice kitty. Please don’t eat me,” she muttered and closed her eyes as the great, striped beast advanced on her.