Page 4 of Purrfectly Naughty

Chapter 2

Maverick Point was the only place Pamela had ever lived and it was the only place she wanted to live. Being asked to go to the gala to represent the Pride was like a dream, she thought and her inner Tigress chuffed in agreement.

Her relationship with her inner animal had become stronger with her own self-healing. It seemed Blake’s treatment of her had damaged that part of herself, and it was one of the reasons why she’d never felt like she belonged. She did now though, and that was what mattered.

“Nice of Jess? My ass!” Elissa snorted aloud.

Jessica was her sister-in-law and something of a sass-master. Pamela followed Liss through the hallway hiding her smile behind the baby in her arms.

“She’s big as a house and cranky as hell waiting for that Bear cub of hers to come popping out.”

“Could be a Tiger,” Pamela said and it was true. No one knew which Shifter genes would be dominant when two different species had young together.

“For her sake, I hope it’s a boy cause she is already bigger than I was with two,” she grinned wickedly, “and her temper has been way off balance. Only men can do that to women,” she nodded sagely, “even little men.”

Pamela snorted. It was true, Jessica was behaving a bit like her Black bear mate now that she was pregnant. Heck, it seemed everyone was either pregnant or taking care of new cubs just lately.

It was enough to give a girl baby fever, but lucky for her she had a kid already. The best of the best, in her humble opinion. Paulie was already in the middle of kindergarten, but he would always be her baby.

Still, she missed him being small. It had taken a lot to keep his birth a secret and to hide him away from the rest of the Pride.

Blake hadn’t wanted anyone to know and she’d been little more than a thrall where he was concerned. Shame welled inside of her at what she’d allowed and put up with, but she was different now. She just had to remember that and keep on going.

“Elissa,” Hunter stalked towards them and greeted his mate with a kiss on the lips that made Pamela blush.

It was so intimate and loving. The connection between the Neta and Nari was so strong it was almost tangible. Pamela certainly felt it in the Pride bonds, and it gave her a sense of peace, something her inner animal longed for. Their commitment to each other was a force to be reckoned with.

“Hunter,” the Nari returned and smiled up at her husband.

Pamela figured they’d need a moment alone so she stepped forward and handed the cub she’d been holding to Hunter’s outstretched arms. He was as good a father as he was a leader and she was glad that he had found happiness.

“Excuse me, I have to go tend to my duties,” she said with a silly curtsey in her Elf costume.

The bells on her shoes jingled as she headed over to where Brayden, the new Pride Beta, was sitting in a large velvet lined chair dressed up like Santa Claus. The Bear Shifter did not look happy, but in her honest opinion, he was a good choice for Santa.

No one else was quite as big, though he did have to stuff his jacket with a pillow, or so she thought. The beard was fake, but the tummy, who knew?

“No fat jokes,” Brayden grumbled and Pamela laughed as a couple of dozen unruly cubs came running into the room where they were set up.

“Hey everyone,” Pierce, another of the Neta’s guards, called out, “we are going to start in just a minute. Santa needs all of you to be good cubs, so listen to his Elf while you wait your turn,” he winked at her.

Pamela nodded and began organizing the cubs into a line, handing out candy canes and little gifts to keep the energetic little ones occupied. Pierce was acting as the photographer and Lance was there to lend a hand as well. They had just under thirty of the children present, and she knew she was in for a long day.

Hours later, Pamela took off her pointy hat and fake elf ears and tossed them at Elissa who was sitting at the kitchen table with Jessica. A couple of mugs of steaming hot cocoa sat between them.

Mmm. At least one of the mugs was spiked. Pamela sighed wistfully. She could definitely use one of those!

“You owe me at least one of those spiked mugs of cocoa, Liss,” she groaned and sank into one of the chairs.

“Awe, here ya go. How was it? I had to get the twins down for a nap, so I am afraid I missed most of the event,” Elissa frowned.

“It went really well actually, and I mean that, Liss. Paulie had a great time. He’s helping Pierce and Lance clean up, then they are taking him for a burger,” she grinned, proud of her little cub.

“That’s great! That means we can try on the dresses I brought,” Jessica grinned ruefully and patted her large tummy, “Well, you can try them on, and I will be the judge!”

“I really don’t know about this, ladies. I mean when is the party anyway?”

“Tomorrow night,” Elissa said and waggled her eyebrows, “but I have it all worked out. You are going to leave Paulie here with us, and we are gonna make popcorn and watch an animated Christmas movie. I decided to host a Pride sleepover and I invited little Nicholas from his class, and Steven too.”