Page 38 of Hollowed

“Thetown square.Iwill sendEdmundhere to fetch you after supper, if that is amenable?Wewould love for our newest town members to join us.”Shesmiled slightly. “Iknow you must be tired after your long journey, but it will be good to have you involved in the town.”

“Thatwould be wonderful,”Ireplied, forcing a smile of my own. “Thatis very kind of you.”

“Wewill let you settle in now,”Adelaidesaid.Shereached one of her hands out toEdmund, who offered his arm. “Weshall see you at sunset.”

Ourguests walked away, andIlet out the breathI’dbeen holding.Goingto a town meeting led undoubtedly by my parents on my first expedition back in theHollowhad not been whatIwas expecting.

Tearsburned in my throat asIclenched my hands.Idid not want to see my parents again.Notafter they had sentenced me to death.Seeingthem at the bridge greeting us was hard enough, but having to interact with them, to speak to them…Icould not do it.

“Holdit together until we get to the room.”Alexander’svoice was a rough whisper as he stepped up to my left and placed his hand on my lower back, pressing gently to guide me through the inn’s front doors. “Youwill be safe,Ipromise.”

Alexanderprocured us a room, thoughIwas so caught up in trying to breathe thatIdid not hear a word he said to the man running the inn.Heguided me away from the front desk and up a set of creaking wooden stairs, my gaze so unfocused it was a miracleIdid not fall.

“Weare here,” he said, pushing the door open for me.Ifollowed him inside, and as soon as the door was closed behind us,Alexandermoved in front of me. “Katrina.Youare safe.”

Ilooked up at him, his eyes shining with concern brighter thanI’dever seen them before.AllIcould do was nod, over and over.Iknew in my headIwas safe, but my body was telling me a far different story.

“Whatare you worried about?” he asked, guiding me to sit on the bed.Hesat next to me, reaching for my hands, but paused. “CanItouch you?Justyour hands.”

Inodded, and he took my hands in his.Theleather of his gloves felt soft against my skin.Clenchingmy jaw,Ibit down hard on the inside of my cheek, thankful for the sharp sting of pain that brought me back to focus.Isucked in a deep breath through my nose and let it out slowly, centering myself on the touch and comfort of theHeadlessHorseman.

“IthoughtIwas ready to face them again, butIwas not ready to see my mother.AndIdo not thinkIwill be ready to see them again tonight.”

Helooked at me for a long time, rubbing his thumbs over the tops of my hands. “Ithink you are stronger than you give yourself credit for.Whatare you afraid of?”

Iwanted to fidget under his gaze, butIclenched my leg muscles and forced myself to meet his eyes.Hehad saved my life.Icould tell him whatIwas afraid of. “Ihave been a disappointment my entire life.Tomy parents in particular.Facingthem again…Ido not thinkIcan handle them treating me nicely, simply because they believeIam a stranger.”

“Whydo you believe you disappointed them?” he asked.Hestood from the bed and knelt at my feet, looking at my boots. “MayItake these off for you while you tell me?”

Gratefulto have him focus on something else whileIspoke,Inodded quickly. “Yes, thank you.AndIknow they were because they told me.Often.Iwas a disappointment from the moment of my birth becauseIwas not a boy.Then,Iwas a disappointment because of my defective hearing.Then, it became all about my magic, and how it was disappointingIwas not more powerful.”

Alexanderscoffed as he pulled off his gloves and started to unlace my boots. “Youare extremely powerful.Theonly disappointment they should feel is with themselves for failing to train you.”

“Idoubt they would have been pleased with me even if they did believeIwas powerful,”Isaid, shrugging indelicately. “Allthey wanted was to marry me off, so they could try for another child—a boy to inherit the town.”

“Youwere to inherit the town?”Hepulled my boots from my feet and moved to work on his own. “AndtheEldersstill chose you to be sacrificed?”

“Ifthey don’t have a boy before they pass,Iwould inherit the town.ButIimagine that’s partially why my mother chose me as theRoghnaithe.Ifthe choice was between me and the survival ofSleepyHollow, there was never an actual choice,”Isaid, watching him as his thick fingers worked at the laces of his own boots.Hishands flexed, rippling the muscles of his forearms.Ishook my head, pulling myself from the distraction. “They’lllikely try for another child after my death.”

Hemoved to sit back on the bed next to me, taking my hands in his again and turning to face me. “Iam deeply sorry,Katrina.Nochild should grow up feeling unloved.”

“Thankyou,”Isaid, my eyes flitting down to his lips.Idly,Iwondered what it would be like to kiss him.Iblushed at the thought.Hewould never want to kiss me. “Wouldyou mind ifIlay down for a quick rest before the town meeting?”

“Ofcourse,” he said, standing abruptly. “Iwill close the curtains.”

Ashe walked over to the small window,Istood from the bed, pulling back the blankets and settling in on the mattress.Inmy panic,Ihad not noticed there was only one bed in the room, and the only other furniture was a small chest of drawers in the corner.Butnow it was allIcould focus on.

Iopened my mouth to speak.WhatIhad been planning to say,Iwas not sure, but it did not matter.Thethick curtains closed, and the room plunged into darkness.Footstepssounded asAlexanderpadded back over to the bed.

“Ican sit on the floor or go downstairs.”Hisvoice startled me, closer thanIhad expected based on his footsteps.

Ishook my head, thoughIwasn’t convinced he could even see me. “No, please stay.Youcan lie in the bed with me.Youshould rest as well.”

“Onlyif you are sure,Katrina,” he said, his voice carefully neutral.

Inthat instant,Iwas grateful for the darkness.Mycheeks burned.Ofcourse, he would not want to share a bed with me.OnlyHenryandCiaracould bear to be in the same room as me for anything longer than a moment.HowcouldIexpect anyone to want to be so close, so intimate?Icleared my throat. “Iam sure.Butif you are not comfortable with it,Iunderstand.Wecan figure out a sleeping arrangement.”

Hedid not reply, butIfelt the other side of the bed sink down, and suddenly, his warmth was against me as he slid under the blankets. “Getsome rest,Katrina.Iwill watch over you.”