Page 30 of Hollowed

Icouldn’t do it.Icouldn’t control my magic, couldn’t summon the flames needed.

Ilet out a sigh and opened my eyes.Alexandersmiled wryly, his head visible once again. “Thankyou,Katrina.”

“Forwhat?”Iasked, my voice hoarse.

Hesqueezed my hand gently, pulling me back into the moment. “Fortrying.Icould see that was a lot for you to endure.Thankyou for trying.”

Ilaughed, but it was not a humorous sound.Instead, it bit like a harsh wind, choked with wordsIcould not say. “Trying.Unsuccessfully, though.”

“Itwas your first time giving into your emotions, and to see even a glimpse of your full power is more thanIexpected.”

Iwas uncertain what to say to that.Itmight have been more than he had expected, butIdoubted it was far from the power he was hoping for to saveSleepyHollow.Wouldit be enough to destroySleepyHollow, though?Enoughto make that damned prophecy come true?

Iswallowed, tasting the ash in the thick air. “Howlong do we have?”

“Days.Aweek at the most,” he said so quietly thatIwould not have heard him hadInot been looking directly at him to see the words upon his lips. “Thedisturbances in the magic are becoming heavier and more frequent.Thesluagh are close.”

“Impossible,”Iwhispered, my voice cracking.Icleared my throat and sighed.Icould not possibly saveSleepyHollowfrom a group of sluagh in a week, not whenIfailed to even summon my fire without an emotional breakdown.

Herubbed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing briefly. “Nothingis impossible.Letus go get you a new dress, and we can discuss what happens next.”

“No,Iwant to try again,”Isaid, sitting up straighter.Iwouldnotbe a failure, not anymore.Myself-loathing was over.Ineeded to prove myself, and more importantly,Ineeded to prove my mother wrong.Irolled my shoulders back, lifting my chin. “Ican do this.”

Helooked at me, furrowing his brows and frowning. “Iknow you can.Thatwas never the question.Butyou have not used your magic like this before.Itwill tire you out, and that is normal.”

“Icannot fail,”Iwhispered, more to myself than toAlexander.TheHorsemanofDeathknew nothing about my visceral fear of failure.Hewould not understand it, had never felt it himself. “Imust do this.Icannot fail.”

“Youhave not, and you will not, fail.”Hisvoice was strong and certain as he stood and held his hand out to me. “Ifyou want to try again, you can.Butonly if you are sure.”

Lookingup,Isaw only determination in his eyes now.Nopity, no disappointment.Myheart soared, and taking his hand,Istood, struggling to keep the blanket wrapped around my body.Iwas painfully awareIwas completely naked in front of this man.Mycheeks burned.

Hedidn’t seem to notice, though, which left me uncertain whetherIappreciated it.WhileIwas grateful he was not ogling me, some small, foolish part of me wanted him to at least look.Buthe kept his eyes on my face, nodding once asIstood. “Now, this time, focus on the physical feeling of the fire consuming you.Themore familiar you are with how your body feels when you are using your magic, the easier it will come to you.”

Inodded, hesitating for a moment before dropping the blanket from my body and kicking it away.Ihad already destroyed enough ofAlexander’sbelongings.TheleastIcould do was spare the blanket.Mystomach churned at the idea of sinking back into such harsh and bleak emotions again, butItook a deep breath to steady myself.Icould do this.

Ilet the words of my mother fill my head.Youcall that a flame,Katrina?Youwill never be worthy of our family name.Youare a disgrace to this family and toSleepyHollow.

Thenegativity fueled my anger and, quicker than before, my body erupted into flames.

WhileIwanted to smile,Igritted my teeth and focused on the sensations.Thecrackling in my ears resembled branches snapping.Thefaint tickle of the flames over my skin was like a warm caress.Flickeringorange filled my vision, spreading out from my body in a cocoon of power and destruction.Forthe first time in my life,Ifelt powerful.Ifelt worthy.Mymother was wrong.

Assoon as it was there, though, the fire sputtered out, leaving me standing naked in the smoldering grass once more.Thespirit veil had dropped, the purple haze no longer surrounding us and protecting the world from my magic, andIhadn’t realized.

“Iam so sorry,”Isputtered, looking around at the destructive circle of scorched earth.

“Noneed to apologize.”Alexanderstepped forward and rested his gloved hands on my shoulders. “Thatwas very well done.Now, what did you feel?”

“Fire.”Mycheeks burned at the stupidity of my response.

Helaughed, a loud and deep sound that sent goosebumps over my entire body. “Yes,Iwould imagine so.Whatmade it stop at the end?”

“Ifelt proud of myself,”Iadmitted, the meekness of my voice drowning out the prideIhad just felt.Sayingit aloud felt foolish.WhatdidIhave to be proud of?Holdinga flame for a few seconds?

Hisface turned serious as he studied me. “Youshould feel proud of yourself,Katrina.”

Mycheeks burned at the compliment, andIducked my head down, avoiding his intense gaze.

Oncemore, his finger found its way under my chin to lift my eyes back to his.Hisgaze flitted down to my mouth and his tongue darted out to wet his lips.Fora moment,Ithought he might kiss me, andIfound myself leaning toward him.Butas quickly asIhad the thought, he took a small step back, clasping his hands in front of his waist and clearing his throat.