Page 89 of Hollowed

Hepressed his lips to my hair, lingering there and letting his words be muffled by my curls. “Younever have to.”

Iwrapped my arms around his middle, squeezing, if only to prove to myself that he was real, that he was here.Wewere both here. “Whatwill happen now?”

“Whateveryou wish.”

“Won’tsomething come for me?”Iasked, nodding toward the patch of scorched earth whereDeathhad stood. “ShesaidIcouldn’t upset the balance.”

“Wewill deal with it together,Katrina.”Hishead dipped and his lips brushed across my forehead, then dipped lower to the tops of my cheeks.Tuckingone of his blistered fingers beneath my chin, he raised my face to look at him.Helooked at me for a moment, his eyes searching my face.Hepressed a gentle kiss to my lips.Itwas barely more than a brush, but it nearly made my knees buckle.Hepressed another, firmer kiss to my cheek. “Inever want you to sacrifice yourself for anyone, ever again.Iam not worth that.SleepyHollowis not worth that.Noone is worth that.Youare worthy of living, andIwill never forgive those who made you think otherwise.”

Therewas nothingIcould say to that.Nothingthat would appease him, at least.Hewas worth that.

“Wecan leave,Katrina.Ican take us away from here, andIcan keep you safe.”

BeforeIcould respond, bustling movement behind us caused both of us to stiffen before pulling apart.Thetension bled out of me whenIsawHenryandPriscillacoming from town, rushing toward us with matching looks of alarm.

“Weare safe.”Alexanderstepped in front of me to shield my nakedness. “We’reboth fine.”

Priscillaunhooked her cloak, handing it toAlexanderwithout a word as her eyes looked over us. “Whathappened?”

Securingthe cloak around my body,Istepped out from behindAlexander.

Henrydidn’t give me a chance to answer, instead grabbing my arms and pulling me into his arms.Hesqueezed me tightly, tighter thanIbelieved possible for him.Aftera long time, our breaths the only sound in the cemetery, he pulled back, looking at me with glassy eyes. “Youare lucky that you’re alive, orIwould have killed you myself.”

Ilet out a watery huff, unable to form any words to express thatIwas sorry for hurting him, butIwould have done it again in an instant.

“Iam so proud of you,Katrina,”Henrysaid, his voice a hushed whisper. “Youhave always exceeded every expectationI’vehad of you.”

“Didyou succeed,Katrina?”Priscillaasked, interrupting our moment.Herface was still panicked, and for good reason.

Iturned inHenry’sarms, nodding. “Yes,Idid.She’sgone.”

Itwas like the world had heard me because the clouds parted and the sky lightened, the afternoon sun warming us all.

“Whatwill you do now?”Henryasked, still holding me. “Willyou return toSleepyHollow?”

Itensed in his arms, shaking my head asIlooked up atAlexander.Hiswords had echoed in my mind, thoughIhadn’t had a chance to respond to them yet. “No,Idon’t thinkIwill.”

Henrylooked over my head toAlexander. “Youwill take care of her?Takeher somewhere safe?”

“Ido not thinkKatrinaneeds anyone to take care of her,”Alexandersaid, his voice equal parts serious and amused. “ButIwill.It’stimeSleepyHollowlearned to protect itself.”

“Icouldn’t agree more, boy,”Henrysaid.Hepressed a kiss to the top of my head before stepping back and squeezing my hand, pressing a bundle of cool metal into my hand.Mynecklace.Tearsstung my eyes, andIopened my mouth to thank him, but he guided me towardAlexander. “Youtwo take care of each other, then.AndIdon’t want to see you back here.Imean it this time.”

“Willyou be safe,Henry?”Iasked, concerned for any repercussions from theCiallmharthat had opposed my survival.Mythumb ran over the stone of the necklace, the familiarity of tracing the contours calming my racing heart.

“OfcourseIwill,” he said, waving a hand. “Iam far more concerned about you,KatrinaVanTassel.”

“Wherewill you go?”Priscillaasked, her attention flitting betweenAlexanderand me.

“Thereare a few placesIhave in mind,”Alexandersaid, then looked at me with a smile.

Iwould go with him anywhere—anywhere, as long as it was not here. “There’san island off the coast ofIreland.It’sa similar haven, but different enough to be a fresh start.We’lldiscuss and decide—together—if that would be the place for us.”

Togethersounded very nice.Thefirebird in my heart soared asAlexanderpulled me to his side.Wewere safe,Alexanderwas alive, andIwould never return toSleepyHollowagain.


Aftera long discussion,AlexanderandIhad decided against going to the island haven.Atleast, at first.Therewas something elseIneeded to accomplish before we crossed an ocean.