Page 79 of Hollowed

Therage and hurt that had been building erupted, and fire consumed my arms and sentCyrusskittering back.Iturned to the town, my arms ablaze.Iwilled the fire to my eyes, to my heart, to my mouth, to make whatIhad to say resonate with them.

“Theonly ones at fault here are you all.Forcenturies, you sent an innocent person to their death, leaving behind those they cared about.Isit truly a surprise that one of those left behind struck back?Thisonly happened becauseCiarawas grieving, and she shouldn’t have been.”Angrytears streamed down my face now, my chest heaving asIstepped forward.Iraised a flaming finger to point at the townspeople. “Youhave brought this upon yourselves.”

Onceagain, silence met my words.

Iscoffed, pulling the flames back into my body.Theydid not deserve my anger or my power.Theydeserved nothing.Myeyes landed onHenryand the ice around my heart melted slightly.

“Thenwhat do you propose we do?”Brom’svoice carried, but it was softer thanI’dever heard before.Snappingmy gaze to his,Ifound that his face showed only remorse.

“Ican stop her,”Isaid with a nod. “Isimply need time.”

“Wedo not have time to give you, girl,”Tiernansnapped, still holding his burnt hand. “Itis nearly sunset, and whatever creaturesDeathsends will soon be upon us.”

Cyruscleared his throat, interrupting the retortI’dprepared. “Ipropose to theCiallmhar—and anyone else who volunteers—to protect the town for two nights.Wecan certainly fend off a magical attack for that long.WeoweKatrinatime, at the very least.”

“Andif she cannot accomplish it in that timeframe?”Devlinasked, crossing his arms. “Willyou ask us to defend the town another night?”

“Whyare you so against defending your home?”Iasked, irritation getting the better of me. “Areyou trulythatentitled you believe it beneath you to fight for your own life?”

Hisface reddened, and he opened his mouth to speak, butIturned my back to him, facingCyrus.

“Thankyou for the time,”Isaid.Ihesitated, weighing my options, knowingItruly only had one. “IfI’venot found a way to stop her by sundown the night after tomorrow,Iwill hand myself over to her.”

Henodded, turning to the town. “Thoseof you who will join us, go and prepare to meet back here at sunset.”Heturned to me and then nodded atHenry. “Youbest get started,Katrina.”

Cyrusleft, moving to meet the otherCiallmhar, who waited for him off to the side.Henrytook his place, looking at me for a moment before pulling me into the tightest hugI’dever experienced.Ithurt my shoulder, butIdidn’t care.Ihugged him back, squeezing him as tightly asIcould as tears rolled down my cheeks.

“Yousilly girl,” he said before pulling back to look at me.Heshook his head fondly. “Onlyyou could try to escape theHollowand end up with theDullahan, after all.”

Mylaugh was watery asIreached up to wipe at my face. “Priscillatold you?”

Henodded. “Everything, yes.”

“I’msorry you have to see me again,Henry.”Mylip trembled as the love in his eyes overwhelmed my senses.Itwas a poor joke, reminding him of the last words he’d said before he sent me on my way, but ifIdidn’t say something,Iwould surely break down further.

“Don’tbe silly,” he said as he pulled me into another hug. “Iam glad to have you back.Wewill fix this,Katrina.”

Afaint cough broke us apart.Wipingat my eyes again,Iglanced up to seeBromandIchabodwaiting for us.Ichabodbowed slightly. “Katrina.Henry.”

Myeyes remained fixed onBrom. “Youtried to kill me.”

Henry’shead snapped towardBrom. “Youdidwhat?”

Bromducked his head as his cheeks flushed. “IthoughtIwas doing what was best for the town.Itruly and deeply apologize,Katrina.WhatIdid was wrong.Ishouldn’t have listened to your mother.”

Ahumorless laugh escaped my lips. “Youonly say that now thatIhave power,Brom.Youare not sorry.Andyou have only ever done what’s best for you, not anyone else.Donot fool yourself into thinking you are a good person.”

Hereeled back as ifI’dslapped him.EvenIchabod’smouth dropped open slightly.I’dnever spoken to anyone like that in my life, butIwas finished making myself smaller to enable others to feel bigger.

Iturned back toHenry, presenting my back to both men whoI’donce considered acquaintances. “Wehave work to do.Whereshall we go?”

Henryreluctantly pulled his attention fromBrom, but before he could reply,Priscillastepped up next to him, smiling softly at me. “Ihave just the place for us, my dear.”

IgnoringIchabodandBrom,Islipped my uninjured arm throughHenry’s.Hegrinned at me and patted my hand as we walked away, followingPriscilla. “So, a phoenix, girl?Iknew you were destined for great things.”

Thistime, my laugh was genuine.
