Page 7 of Axel

“They rode their bikes?” I asked.

“Duh, they own a motorcycle bar,” Lacy said, nudging me in the side.

From the way everyone at this college campus bar was nervously watching them, it seemed as though Drake and Axel were the ones now out of their elements. The simple thought pulled a smile to my lips.

They stood out with their tight leather jackets, stoic faces, and badass appeal. Most guys at the bar were sporting khakis or loose-fitting jeans with polos.

Spotting us, Drake nodded toward Lacy. “I guess I know how you girls felt the other night,” Drake joked as he walked over to Lacy.

Giggling, Lacy hugged Drake. “Yes, now we are even,” she teased.

Axel just eyed me as I stood awkwardly behind Lacy. Drake and Lacy began to walk into the bar and Axel and I followed behind. Settling with a high-top table, Axel and I sat back while Drake and Lacy began flirting with sexual innuendos.

Axel finally leaned over and his warm breath caressed my cheek. “Looks like we need to catch up,” he said, nodding toward Drake and Lacy.

“What do you mean?” I asked, pretending like I was looking over the drink menu at our table.

“Well, your friend really seems to be hitting it off with my brother. Maybe we need to catch up,” he said with a wink.

Ugh, I knew guys like this. He was all about chasing ass. Little did he know, I was not like that Angie girl from his bar. This time, he was on my side of town.

“You know, I am just here because my friend made me come.”

Laughing, Axel threw his head back and I watched in awe as his black hair danced around his face. I was mesmerized by the simple act.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“You don’t like me do you?” he asked with a slight smirk.

“I don’t even know you,” I responded like he wasn’t affecting me.

“Yeah, but you don’t want to know me. I can tell,” he responded as he continued the banter.

“How?” I asked, giving in to his little game.

“You are the only girl here who is not desperately trying to get my attention,” he said as his eyes never left mine. “Just like the other night at my bar. I saw you watching me with Angie, but you never made a move. You looked so uncomfortable-- it was hilarious.”

I wanted to smack him. He thought I was funny, just a joke.

“First of all, I wasn’t watching you and Angie,” I lied.

“Sure, you weren't,” he smirked with an arrogance about him that heated me to my core.

“Even if I was watching you, I didn’t hit on you because I am not into assholes,” I said sharply.

“See, you were watching me,” he stated, finding the hole in my argument. “But, you didn’t approach me,” he said more like a question rather than a statement.

“Maybe that’s because you're not my type.”Laughing, he smiled. “Baby, everyone wants me. I can be anyone’s type.”

“Not me,” I said.

“Let’s change that,” he grinned.

He was challenging me.

“I don’t think so. Besides, what if I have a boyfriend?”

“You don't. I can tell,” he said.