“My what?” Axel laughed.
This time, Drake turned and looked at me ,too. “You must have hit your head really hard. Axel here doesn’t date.”
“Oh sorry,” I stated, feeling mortified again. “I just saw you with a girl and I…”
Cutting me off, Drake laughed. “That was just Angie. She comes in here every night trying to leave with one of us. She’s been after me, Axel, and our other brothers Blaze and Ryder,” he said, pointing to the other guys who were busy opening beers for themselves behind the bar. “Blaze is taken and Ryder is barely in town, so really she just comes after me and Axel.”
My head seemed to hurt worse after hearing that.
“Here, take these,” Drake said, as he handed me Tylenol. I took the pills and, again, thanked him.
Placing his hand on my forehead, Axel leaned in so close, I could smell his minty aftershave and feel the heat radiating off his body. “Looks like it will bruise though.”
“Oh, yeah.” I could feel a small bump already beginning to rise as I felt the spot that was still throbbing. Sparks were igniting inside of me and I felt like I might just go up in flames.
“Let’s go,” I said to Lacy, who was standing by the doorway texting someone on her phone. I was sure it was Drake.
Axel watched me with curious eyes as I made my way through the thick crowd and to the entrance. Everyone had gone back to drinking and talking and I was so glad to be invisible to them.
I swiftly opened the door and allowed the cool night air to settle my flaming nerves. Following behind me, Lacy was yelling something back to Drake as I dragged her out the door. I needed the air to put out the flames that Axel had caused in me. He was hot as hell, but I couldn’t pursue anything with him. Our worlds were just too different. He owned a biker bar. I was a college student working on a literary degree. Nothing could be more opposite than us. Still though, as I looked around the parking lot full of massive motorcycles, I couldn’t help but smile inside at the feeling of excitement and something else building.
Chapter 3
Damn, if she wasn’t the hottest thing I had ever seen.
Sure, hot chicks came in and out of the bar and clubhouse daily, but no one had ever stumped me like she did.
Everything about her was wrong. Her hairstyle. Her preppy clothes. Her fearful eyes. She was so wrong for this place but at the same time, something about her being here felt so right.
I had to give it to her though, Ivy had balls. Most girls that looked like her would have run away screaming after seeing a bunch of bikers in leather vests drinking, but not Ivy. She stepped in with her friend and she owned the control of theroom, even if she didn’t realize it. It was funny too, because Iwatched my brother Drake drool all over her friend. I guess two Raven Boys were lucky tonight.
Even now, as I ride my bike around town to cool off, I can’t get Ivy out of my mind. Her long, caramel colored hair looked fucking delicious. And her eyes. Those eyes seemed to mesmerize me, making me want to search through them into her soul.
I laughed a little to myself as I thought about how sassy she had been.
I rubbed the stubble on my jaw. “Ivy? Huh, like Poison Ivy from the comics?” I couldn’t help but give her a lazy wink as I fell onto one of the bar stools.
Narrowing her eyes at me, I could tell Ivy was about to give it back to me real good. “Sure, you can think of me like that. If you mess with me, I can make you feel like you have been poisoned,” she said with a quirk raise of her brow.
I swear I felt my heart stop. I had never had a girl smart back to me before. I kind of liked it.
Fuck, what is happening to me?
I allow the cool air to sweep through my hair as I push the accelerator and the bike jumps a little. I need speed. I need the rush of feeling the wind blowing through me. This is my release from the way I calm down after a long night at the shop where I am a mechanic or when I have had too many girls chasing after me. But tonight is different.
I need to think. I have no idea what these emotions are that are threatening to create a tornado inside my brain. My dick had come to full attention at the sight of Ivy, butso had my heart. I swear I felt it beat for the first time in a very, very long time.
I knew I would regret the decision I was about to make. I knew my brothers and buddies would give me shit for weeks. But I didn’t care. I had to get to know Ivy and to understand what this spell was she had on me.
Chapter 4
Sitting at my small desk Monday morning, I could still feel the bump on my head from the little spill I took the other night. Thankfully, the throbbing had stopped, but when I brushed my hands through my hair, I could still see the rosy pink mark and feel the raised skin to remind me that I had indeed passed out in front of a group of people. Trying to suppress a yawn, I covered my mouth with my hands so no one in the class could hear me.
I had found myself fantasizing about the black-haired, dark-eyed, walking sex god that I had met at the biker bar. Axel’s face seemed to taunt my body with an unfair desire that I couldn’t control. Now, I am not a prude by any means, butwhat I had allowed this man to do to me, still made me shiver as I sat in my chair. Clear images of Axel pulling my hair as he mounted me from behind had me screaming his name in pure ecstasy. I had awoken that morning in a pool of sweat from my own lust filled fever and my hallucinations haunted my brain as I tried to focus on my professor and not the delightfully naughty things I had allowed him to do to me. This problem was, he was the last man I knew I should be fantasizing about.