Page 27 of Axel

Drake didn’t say anything, but I knew he could see the regret swimming in my eyes. Well, my swollen eyes, but still it was there. I had anger inside of me and I knew my brothers didn’t understand it. We had all lost our parents and our gramps. We had all lost the bar-- and I knew it probably meant more toDrake than to the rest of us since he spent the most time there and had made it his livelihood, but still, there was still anger blooming inside of me and it finally broke free and blossomed into a full-on inferno.

Walking in, my other brothers entered the house too. They had all come and bailed me out of jail after I called them and told them what had happened. After I jumped Chuck, someone driving by had called the police and they had shut down our war pretty quickly. I got a couple of good hits in, but one against an entire army isn't very good odds.

Seeing them all here, I knew something was up. I found a seat on the couch and nestled in, preparing myself for a long talk.

“Axel, what were you thinking? If we hadn't followed you, do you know what could have happened?” Jagger asked. Initially, I had wanted a brother to go with me, but I had lied and said I just needed to ride.

“I was thinking I needed to do something. I wasn’t thinking straight- I couldn’t see past my own rage,” I admitted as I closed my eyes and allowed the ice pack to take effect.

“That’s your problem, Axel. Man, you can’t see past yourself. You need to get a hold of your anger before you lose everything. This could have been a lot worse. You are damn lucky Chuck isn’t pressing charges against you,” Drake said, as he slammed his fist against the coffee table.

We all jumped at the noise and my eyes shot open. “Why would he press charges against me? He destroyed our clubhouse!” I bellowed out as I sat up straight.

Drake and Blaze watched with a strange curiosity.

“This is getting way too intense. I’m getting us a beer,” Blaze said as he retreated to the kitchen. He had never liked conflict and had always been quiet, I had always liked that about him.

Drake turned his attention back to me. “I know, but we have to settle this a different way. You going after Chuck is only going to stir up more problems. We have to do this the right way. The Raven way,” he finished as he seemed to calm down a little.

Lacy came bounding through our door and rushed over to Drake’s side. Watching them embrace made my heart sink a little further. I needed Ivy right now.

Blaze returned and we all began to nurse our beers as none of us dared to speak. It was Jagger who finally broke the silence.

“What is your plan then?” he asked, turning to me instead of Drake.

As the oldest, Drake had always been who we looked to in times of trouble. He was the closest thing we had left to a father now, but now, Jagger was looking to me for an answer. Even though Jagger and Storm weren’t our blood, they were still our brothers in every sense. He swept a hand through his blonde hair nervously. And, all I could do was answer him with honesty.

“First, I plan on getting Ivy to forgive me. After that, everything else will fall into place.”

And with that, I put my beer down and asked Jagger to drive me over to Ivy’s. It was time that I finally did something right in my life.

Chapter 18


An hour later, I heard a knock on my door. Opening the door, I spotted Axel with his hands at his sides. However, my eyes locked on the black and purple bruises on his face and the cuts on his hands and arms. He was a mess, but he was my mess.

“Axel,” I breathed and pulled him into my apartment. I hugged him fiercely.

Stepping back, Axel stared at me without saying a word. Without warning, he cupped my face in his hands and crushed hismouth to mine. His lips seemed to be molded to mine and I couldn’t force myself to remove them long enough to breathe.

Sparks of electricity shot throughout my body as Axel lifted me up and began to carry me back toward my bedroom. My legs went numb as I wrapped them tightly around his waist and the heat radiating from my body could have sparked a wildfire. His tongue pushed open my lips and invaded my mouth with a hunger so intense I let out a small moan. The smell of his sweet and musky scent made me delirious as the walk down the hall seemed to take forever.

Crashing down on my bed, my hands quickly began loosening the button on his jeans as I struggled to kick his pants down to his knees. His hands roamed from my neck and then gently tugged my shirt as he quickly lifted it over my head before making his way down to my black lacy bra. Taking a moment, Axel released his grip from my lips and he began to admire my now bare chest. Only the moonlight filtered in through the window blinds and the glow seemed to illuminate his beautiful face. As he watched me carefully, I took the opportunity to remove the rest of the fabric on his body so there wasn’t anything between us now.

Tugging on his jeans, Axel removed them in one quick movement that had me giggling before he crushed his lips back down on mine.

Axel’s hands began to roam down my neck and to my waist as he placed small kisses over every inch of my trembling body. As I allowed my body to be taken over by Axel, I pushed away any fears of heartache and decided to just enjoy this moment while it lasted. I knew we needed to talk at some point, but right now, we also needed this connection.

Crashing his lips to mine, Axel allowed his tongue to push past my lips. Once inside my mouth, I began to suck on his tongue, in a slow rhythm that drove me insane. My body throbbed with the need to please him as I continued my slow taunt of his mouth.

Axel’s eyes grew wide as he gazed at me. I knew my actions were driving him wild, and that was exactly what I wanted to do. Now that I found myself in love with Axel and allowing myself to let him take me, I wanted to push my boundaries and let him in all of the way.

As his hands roamed over the most sensitive parts of my body, I allowed a loud moan to escape from my lips. I arched my back and threw my head back as I inhaled a breath.

“I needed to hear you moan, to cry out my name,” he growled between kisses. “I’m so sorry. I just need you.” His lips continued to trail down my stomach as his hands slipped inside of my wetness. The tension inside of me was growing as his fingers began to trace my insides, readying me for the next move of pleasure.

Once the tension grew to be too much, Axel positioned himself to take me completely. I was sure he would thrust himself into me, in a rage of sexual desire, but instead, he chose to take his time as he moved inside of me. As he penetrated me, my body seemed to absorb every inch of his hardness. I could feel him reaching every inch of my sex and as our bodies began to move in rhythm, our breaths became long and jagged pants of pure ecstasy.