Chapter 6
After class, I found myself opening up my social media page to check in on my family. I rarely called or talked to any of them, but what I did do was see how they were doing through their actions on social media.
I began scrolling through my news feed where I spotted a post from my mom.
“This should be good,” I moaned as I began reading the meme she had shared about parents now versus parents back in the fifties.
“What are you doing?” Lacy asked, as we walked out of the building.
“Oh, you know, just stalking my family,” I said, my eyes reading over the war of comments my brother had left on my mom’s page. Of course, they ranged from calling her stupid to arguing with every point she made. I felt my heart dropping with each hateful comment he left. How could someone treat their own mother that way? How could any other female read this and find him attractive or suitable?
“I don’t know why you bother reading any of that. Each time you check out your mom, dad, or brother's social media pages, you get upset,” Lacy said, as I unlocked the car door.
I threw my backpack into the backseat of the car and turned the ignition. I turned off my phone and put it in my purse. Enough stalking for today.
Lacy continued to talk while I delved further into the despair that was my family. Suddenly, something she said caught my attention.
“You did what?” I screamed over the loud music blaring from the car speakers.
Lacy was sitting in the passenger seat dancing around as her hair swung around her face. She was totally ignoring my freak out session.
Laughing, she wiggles her finger in my face. “I knew that would pull your attention back to me. I said, I gave Axel your number. He was at Drake’s apartment the other night. He asked about you,” she said, her eyes dancing with excitement.
“What in the hell were you doing at Drake’s apartment?” I yelled, this time turning down the radio.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” she states, mischievously.
Shaking my head, I cringe. “Nope, please don’t answer that.”
“Axel stopped by to get the keys to a bike he was working on. Apparently, all the bikers that go to that bar use Axel as their mechanic. He must be pretty good,” she said, this time her gaze was focused outside of the car.
I stopped my Toyota 4-Runner at a red light and turned and looked at her. “So, is this like a thing?” I asked, meaning her and Drake.
Lacy turned to face me. “I have no idea what it is. I really like Drake though. He is so hot and that ass…” she began to trail off and I knew I had to bring her back to reality.
“Lacy, come on be serious. You can’t really think you could have a real relationship with a guy who owns a biker bar,” I said, almost laughing at the thought.
“Why not?” Lacy snapped, her eyes wide with anger. “I thought we all had a great time the other night.”
I hadn’t meant to piss her off, but apparently, that is exactly what I did.
“Calm down. I just mean that he works at a bar with long hours. You are a college student who works part-time at a clothing store in the mall. What do you really know about him?” I ask.
“First of all, you sound like a judgmental bitch right now. You know I love you, but you need to open up your mind a little. Drake is really funny and sweet. We both like the same horror movies. Besides, he is the owner of the bar, he can take off anytime he wants,” she finished, crossing her arms across her chest. “Besides, you and Axel got along really well too.”
I hated to admit it, but she was right. I was being judgmental. I am sure Drake is a nice guy. But, that still doesn’t change the fact she gave Axel my number.
“Fine, you like Drake. I get that. But, what I don’t get is why you think Axel would want anything to do with me. We hung out once,” I stated.
Even as the words slipped past my lips, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. My mind was quickly brought to the last conversation I had with him, when he sent lust and curiosity coursing through my veins.
“Come on, I saw the steamy sexual tension between you two the other night. Axel is totally into you and I saw you eye-fucking him too,” she giggled.
“I was not eye-fucking him,” I tried to protest.
“Whatever,” Lacy laughed. “Anyway, he asked about you so I gave him your number. Just have an open mind, that’s all I ask.”