A movement from the bed startles me for a second, but I continue talking to the guys. I’ve become delusional from my lack of sleep.
“You all realize I am right here,” a hoarse voice says.
I whip my head around, and my heart stops as I lock eyes with Ryder.
His eyes are fluttering open, and his hand squeezes mine. I fall back to the chair, tears unleashing down my face, as I struggle to comprehend if this is real or not.
“Ryder?” I ask, unsure if he is talking to me.
When Allison races out of the room screaming for the doctor and the guys all hustle to Ryder’s bedside, I realize that I’m not dreaming.
“Scar, you’re going to break my hand,” he croaks out, but his lips slightly curved into a smile.
I laugh through my tears as I loosen my hold on his hand. He is awake. Joy fills me as I lean in and place a kiss on his lips. Ican’t take my eyes off of him as I struggle to understand how he is awake right now.
“It’s damn good to see you,” Blaze says, carefully patting Ryder’s leg.
“What happened?” Ryder asks. I can see worry etching his face as he struggles to piece everything together.
As the doctor and a few nurses rush inside the room, they order everyone out into the hall. Well, except for me. They already knew they wouldn’t win that battle.
As the doctor checks over Ryder, the nurses explain what has been going on since his wreck.
I wait on pins and needles as Ryder is confirmed as ok. We are told he will have to remain for a few more days in the hospital, but as long as he continues to progress, everything should be fine.
Once the doctor and his team of nurses leave, the Raven’s and Allison join us again.
I’m so overwhelmed with happiness that I can barely keep still.
“Have you been here the whole time?” Ryder asks me.
“I refused to leave,” I lightly chuckled.
As everyone circles us, I can feel the overabundance of love in the room. It’s enough to take your breath away.
It’s at that moment that I realize what I need to do. All of my thoughts over the last few days forcefully come to the front of my mind. I had come too close to losing Ryder, and I would never take him for granted again.
Standing, I look lovingly down at the man who stole my heart and body in one swoop.
“Ryder, almost losing you was the hardest thing I have ever been through in my life. It made me realize that I need you by my side forever,” I begin, as I lean down and bend on one knee.
Ryder’s eyes go wide as he stares down at me. I hear gasps from everyone around us as the realization of what I am about to do registers with them.
“I love you so much. And even when I tried to fight my growing love, you refused to stop loving me. You said you wanted forever with me and I want that, too. So, Ryder Raven, will you marry me?” I ask.
I see love and adoration across his features, and a lone tear falls from his perfect eyes.
“Scarlett, are you serious?” he asks, his voice heavy. “I mean, I just woke up from a coma, I would hate that you would be joking with me,” he lightly laughs.
I can see a slight movement causes him pain, so I stop any worry he may have.
“No, this isn’t a joke. I guess I realized far too late that I was terrified of losing you. Marry me, and we can have our forever,” I say, squeezing his hand lightly, ensuring this time not to hurt him.
“Well, what’s your answer?” Allison shouts, reminding me that we aren’t alone.
“Yes!” Ryder exclaims, and the room erupts in cheers and whistles.
I crash my lips to his, and the world around me shifts back into gear. It took almost losing Ryder for me to realize just how deep my love for him ran. Now, I wasn’t going to waste any more time living in denial. I had spent too much of my life already living in the past and afraid to give my heart to someone else. Then Ryder raced into my world, arrogant and aggravating, but at the same time, everything I needed. He taught me to let go of the past and look forward. He taught me how to love and be loved. With forever together in our sights, nothing was going to stop us now.