Page 36 of Ryder

“You know, I’ve never brought a woman home with me before,” he says, his eyes darkening.

I bite my lip, just thinking about the meaning behind his words. I know Ryder has strong feelings for me. I just don’t know if I can share mine with him just yet.

“Really?” I ask, unsure of what else to say.

He leans in, and his lips brush against my ear. “When I looked at you tonight, your eyes showed a burning desire to be with me. You try to hide the pain you feel, but I see it. And I’m not looking away. I will find a way to show you that it is ok to love me because I’m not going anywhere,” Ryder whispers.

I suck in a deep breath as heat builds in my core. I don’t know how someone can erase my pain, but with every word he speaks, he is somehow melting all of my trepidation.

“Ryder,” I go to say, but he stops me with a kiss.

Our lips lock, and the world around me stops. Nothing else matters but us, and I never want that feeling to go away.

When he breaks the kiss, he winks at me before retreating into his room. I’m left shook as I watch his door close. That man drives me wild, and I love it.

Smiling to myself, I open my hotel room door and fall against the door after it closes. I know I am in deep here. There is no turning back now. I tried to fight him, but I can’t anymore. By the end of the weekend, I will tell Ryder how I feel.

The next morning, I wake to the sound of my phone ringing.

Reaching to the nightstand, I find my phone and answer.

“Morning sunshine,” Ryder’s voice rings on the other end.

“What time is it?” I ask, trying to open my eyes.

A loud laugh bellows through the phone, and I groan. We got in late last night, and I was up half the night thinking about Ryder.

“It’s after ten in the morning. I need you to get up, I have a surprise for you,” he states, then the phone goes dead.

Throwing the blanket off of me, I walk like a zombie to the bathroom where I shower and wake myself up.

Dressing in a pair of black yoga pants and a red tank, I text Ryder that I am up. I have no idea what the surprise is, but knowing Ryder, it will be interesting.

A knock at my door startles me, and as I rush to open it, I am surprised when Ryder is standing in the hallway, with a large rack of clothes behind him.

“What is this?” I ask.

Ryder doesn’t answer, but he pushes his way into my room and rolls the rack behind him. I jump out of his way, and my mouth drops open at the sight before me. Dresses hang in all shapes, colors, and styles. They all are exquisite and look way out of my price range.

“You need something to wear tonight for the event,” Ryder announces, as he begins sifting through the fabrics.

“I thought I was just going with you. Why would I need something new to wear?” I ask.

“You are going to walk with me. I wanted to do something nice and buy you a dress, but I didn’t know what you would like, so I had my publicist get a store to send some over. Pick whatever you want,” he says.

“Are you serious?” I ask.

“Of course,” he deadpans.

“Ryder, I can’t afford these,” I say. Even though there are no price tags, I can just tell that they are name brands that they cost more than the rent of my apartment.

“It’s my treat. Let me do this for you,” he urges.

It’s so hard to argue with him right now. I had brought a silver sequin dress I had worn to a few of the charity functions Future Leaders had hosted, but to have something new would be so nice…

“Fine,” I sigh.

Ryder laughs as I step over to the rack of gowns and begin browsing through them. Each one is unique and beautiful in itsown way, which makes it so difficult to select from. Finally, I spot a black satin dress. I pull the hanger from the rack and hold it up into the light to inspect the design. It is breathtaking. The dress is long, with a slit up to the thigh. The thin spaghetti straps cross hang off the shoulder, and just upon holding it up to my body, I realize it will be very form-fitting.