“Shut up and keep kissing me,” I demanded, as I felt myself reaching closer to my release.
I wasn’t one to talk during sex, especially when it felt this insanely wonderful. When I finally felt like my body couldn’t take any more pleasure, I found my climax and screamed out as I lifted higher and higher into glorious oblivion. Maxing out,Ryder moaned one last time with a deep thrust before collapsing next to me on his bed.
Later, we lay wrapped in one another’s arms as the stars began to sprinkle the sky. I stared out my bedroom window, listening to Ryder sleeping beside me. Moving a strand of his black hair out of his face, I watched him with carefulness. If I wasn’t careful, I could fall in love with Ryder Raven.
Chapter 16
What is going on?I ask myself, as I feel an arm draped over me.
Squinting against the hard rays of the sunlight filtering in through my bedroom window, I roll over and come face-to-face with Ryder Raven.
Delicious images of last night come to the forefront of my mind, and a broad smile stretches across my face. In less than a month, Ryder Raven has managed to make me smile, laugh, and cry more than I probably have my entire life. More importantly though, he has somehow crumbled the walls that I had built up to keep men like him out of my life. I was vulnerable and allowing him into my life. All I could hope and pray for was that he wouldn’t break my heart.
“You are overthinking again,” a deep, raspy voice sings out next to me.
I smile as Ryder stretches his arms in the air, and a large yawn erupts from him. He is adorable in his sleepy state, and I lean down and place a chaste kiss on his cheek.
“You don’t know what I am thinking,” I argue, even though he is correct.
Resting his head on one hand, he sits upon his elbow. A sly grin spreads across his chiseled face, and I roll my eyes at his early morning arrogance.
“Let me guess,” he says, placing a finger on his mouth as though he were in deep thought. “You were thinking about how sexy I am and how you hope you don’t regret letting me in,” he says.
I almost gasp aloud at how he managed to read my thoughts.
“Are you a mind reader too?” I ask playfully.
“Possibly,” he shrugs, laughing a little.
There's a moment of silence that transpires between us, and I hear his breathing deepen. “Scar, I know last night wasn’t planned, but I don’t want you to regret it,” Ryder says, a hint of sadness radiating in his voice.
“I don’t regret what we did. I just need you to understand that when it comes to relationships, I need time,” I sigh.
I lay my head back onto the pillow, my hair sprawled out all around me. I’ve never felt more comfortable with someone in my life, and I can’t help but feel a spark of excitement at the new me emerging. Even though our conversation may be substantial, I don’t feel awkward telling him how I feel.
“So, what do you have planned for today?” I ask him, changing the topic once again.
I’m careful not to insert myself into his day. I have today off and don’t want to overstep any boundaries that might be in place for us. While I know Ryder wants me, I just don’t know what the status of our relationship is yet. I want to move slowly, but at the same time, I’m anxious to move forward.
“I have a meeting today with Travis and the racing team. I have a show and race before we leave for Hollow Cove. My publicist has also scheduled a meeting for me to meet with some cologne brand that wants to use me to endorse their product,” Ryder tells me.
“Wow, I am tired just thinking about your day,” I say, pitying him a little.
I can’t even imagine how stressful it must be to be in demand for everyone else always.
Chuckling, Ryder closes his eyes for a minute. “I never imagined my life would turn out like this,” he muses. “I love to race, and I really love the money, but I could do without the rest,” he admits.
“Then why do you do it?” I ask him.
Our conversation seems heavy for so early in the morning, but at the same time, it feels normal for us.
Taking my hand, Ryder intertwined our fingers together, and I looked down and smiled at his gesture. “Why do you work so hard for the boys? Why are you trying to get a better job with Future Leaders?” he asks me.
I go to ask him how he knows I applied for another position with Future Leaders, but I don’t bother. Ryder has already made it clear if he wants to know something about me; he will figure it out. I’m sure he has hired Allison to tell him everything about me.
“I care about the boys working hard for them sometimes doesn’t feel like work. And, I want a better position with Future Leaders so I can better myself,” I admit.