Page 62 of Passions Ignite

Zoey looked at her, and for a moment, Lux saw the same fear she was feeling reflected in Zoey’s eyes. But then Zoey nodded.

“We‘ll go up,” she said. “We’ll get off this mountain. We’ll be fine.”

“You’re sure of that?”

Zoey chuckled and pecked her lips. “No, but I’m done being moody about it.”

This time, Lux leaned in first for the kiss. She rolled above Zoey, pinning her down playfully as she ravaged her lips with sensual kisses. Her hands held Zoey’s cheek, and her fingers tousled in her hair.

When she backed away, Zoey was still smiling.

“Well, that’s the best good morning kiss ever.”

She stared into Zoey’s eyes for a little longer, then sighed and said, “You’re just so naughty.”

“If by naughty you mean sweet, then I’m guilty as charged.”

They both remained on the ground, holding each other close. It wasn’t long before the sun crept up the sky, and Lux stirred.

“Zoey?” she called.

“I know,” Zoey said. “We’ve gotta move.”

They gathered their things quickly, leaving their structure behind, and were soon on their way again. Lux could feel the heat in the air, the fire inching its way closer to them. There wasn’t much time.

The climb was challenging. Lux’s legs ached, her breath coming in short, sharp bursts. Zoey was just ahead, her movements steady, but Lux could see the strain on her face, the way her shoulders hunched slightly with each step.

“You sure we shouldn’t wait for a bit?” Lux said. “You haven’t gotten your strength yet.”

“Trust me, I can go on for hours,” Zoey said breathlessly.

“Yeah, as long as we don’t get turned into barbecue,” Lux said with a laugh.

“No doubt about that.”

They both laughed. After almost half the day, they reached a small plateau, a tree break that offered a brief reprieve from the climb. Lux sank to the ground, her legs trembling from the effort. Zoey sat beside her, her hand reaching out to rest on Lux’s knee.

“Look who’s tired now,” Zoey said with a laugh.

Lux nodded. The fire was still distant, so they had some time, but not much. Lux looked at Zoey, her heart aching with the weight of everything she wanted to say.

As the fire crept closer, Lux held on to that hope, that small, fragile thing that kept her going, kept her fighting. They would make it out of this. They had to.

Lux sat on the cool ground, her back pressed against the rough bark of a tree, lost in her thoughts as dusk faded into night. The night air was thick with smoke, the distant glow of the fire casting an eerie light over the landscape. Zoey was resting a few feet away, her breathing steady and calm, a stark contrast to the turmoil inside Lux.

She had tried to sleep, but her mind wouldn’t quiet. Whenever she closed her eyes, images of the fire, them running, and Zoey’s face as they struggled to survive flashed behind her eyelids. The reality of their situation pressed down on her, a weight she didn’t know how to lift. She couldn’t stop thinking about how close they were to the edge, how easily the flames could consume them in its path.

Her thoughts drifted back to the night before, to the words she had spoken to Zoey in a moment of passion and fear. She had told Zoey she loved her, and while it had felt right, she was now left wondering what it meant. Could she love someone in a situation like this? Did it even matter?

Lux’s eyes scanned the darkened landscape, the outline of trees barely visible against the smoky sky. The fire was still advancing, but it felt like they were in a strange bubble of calm. She wanted to hold on to that feeling but knew it couldn’t last.

The sound of movement pulled her from her thoughts, and she turned her head to see Zoey sitting up, searching for Lux in the smoke. Zoey’s gaze found hers, and for a moment, they just looked at each other, the silence between them heavy.

Zoey stood up and walked over to Lux, her steps careful on the uneven ground. She sat beside her, close enough that their shoulders brushed, and Lux felt a warmth spread through her despite the coolness of the night.

“Still worried about the station?” Zoey asked.

“Nah, not that.” she shrugged. “Right now, I’m more worried about the rumbling in my stomach.”