Page 50 of Passions Ignite

“Let’s keep moving,” Lux said.

Zoey nodded, following her as they started walking again. She kept her eyes on Lux’s back, using her as a focal point to keep her mind from spiraling. They were in this together, and as long as they stayed together, they had a chance.

But as they walked, Zoey couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being left behind, that their chances of survival were slipping away with every step. The thought made her chest tighten again, but she pushed it down, focusing on the ground beneath her feet and the woman walking in front of her.

They climbed for what felt like hours. Zoey’s legs were screaming in protest, and her lungs burned with every breath.She could see the strain on Lux’s face, too, the tightness in her jaw and the sweat dripping down her forehead.

“We need to stop,” Zoey said.

Lux didn’t argue this time. She nodded, sinking to the ground with a heavy sigh.

Zoey leaned against the rough bark of a tall pine tree, taking in the scenery around them. They were surrounded by dense forest, and the towering trees stood guard like silent sentinels.

Zoey noticed the sky was a dull gray, the sun barely visible behind the smoke. It was hard to believe that just a few days ago, everything had been normal.

She glanced at Lux, who sat a few feet away, her expression tense.

Zoey could see the strain on her face, the worry etched into her features. She felt a pang of guilt for dragging Lux into this situation, but she quickly pushed the thought aside.

There was no time for regrets.

Zoey’s thoughts drifted to her parents. She wondered what they would think if they knew where she was right now. Her mom would probably be worried sick, imagining the worst.

Her dad, though, he would try to be practical, try to figure out a solution, but deep down, she knew he would be just as scared.

What if she never got to see them again?

The thought made her stomach clench. She remembered the day she came out to them, how nervous she had been. The memory brought a small sense of comfort, but it was fleeting.

Her eyes settled on Lux again. There was something about her that made Zoey feel…something. It was too early to say if Lux was the one, but she couldn’t deny the pull she felt toward her.

She shrugged off the thought, not wanting to get lost in feelings she couldn’t afford to dwell on right now. There were more pressing matters at hand, like figuring out how they were going to get out of this mess.

“Maybe we should head toward the fire,” Zoey said, breaking the silence. “The firefighters could be fighting a path to us.”

Lux looked at her, considering the suggestion. She shook her head. “They would be at the other end of the fires. Even if they could fight their way to us, the fires are moving rapidly uphill because of the direction of the wind. They won’t expend all their resources to fight it to the last. They’d just contain it and make sure it doesn’t spread.”

Zoey nodded, realizing the logic in what Lux was saying. Everything felt so hopeless, but she wouldn’t let herself spiral. They had to stay focused if they were going to survive.

“We’re better off staying on the path we are on,” Lux added, her tone softening. “Moving closer to the fire would just put us in more danger.”

Zoey let out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. “You’re right. I just…I don’t know what else to do.”

“We’ll figure something out. We just need to stay calm.”

Zoey appreciated Lux’s attempt to reassure her, but she could see the worry in her eyes. It was the same worry gnawing at her own insides. Still, it was comforting to know she wasn’t alone in this.

Zoey shifted her position and noticed Lux wince slightly. “Your leg,” she said. “Let me take a look.”

Lux hesitated but eventually extended her leg toward Zoey. Zoey gently pulled off her boot and sock and took Lux’s leg in her hands, feeling the warmth of her skin. The area around the cut was swollen, and Zoey could see bruises started to form. At least the cut didn’t look infected and was healing well.

She massaged the area, applying gentle pressure. Lux closed her eyes, leaning against the tree. She didn’t say anything, but Zoey could tell by the way she relaxed slightly that the massage helped.

Zoey focused on her task, trying to block out the thoughts racing through her mind. But it was impossible not to think about what might happen next.

Would they make it out of here alive? What if they didn’t? The uncertainty was terrifying.

Her eyes drifted back to Lux, who still had her eyes closed. There was something about the way Lux held herself, the quiet strength she exuded, that made Zoey’s heart ache. It was different from anything she had ever felt before.