This is the only lie I have told her. It is a white lie, but I still do not like the feeling.
In truth, the flight is only eight days. The extra two weeks are the window which I will give my brothers to appear. If they do not, then I really will chart the course to Caster-391.
“So you’ll just let these violent convicts run free to hurt whatever colony you land on?”
“What else would you have me do?” I ask, feeling a bite of frustration. She is so determined for me to be the villain that she is not thinking. “Should I fly us all to Chronus to volunteer for lifelong slavery and torment?”
“Maybe. It’s the just punishment for your crimes.”
I take one deep, slow breath.
“Do not fear for the citizens of the Theta Zone, little bird. Many of these prisoners will be rounded up again by the Earth authorities as soon as they realize that we have not arrived on Chronus.”
“But not you?”
“No. Not me.” One way or another, I am never going back to prison. “And not you either, if you do not wish it.”
Her face turns gray.
“What do you mean? Is that part of yourplan? I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“No, that is not… Officer Finch. For as long as you are with me, you are safe. And when it is time for us to part, I will let you go. That is all.”
“Yeah,” she laughs, sounding manic. “Because I feel so safe and so free right now.”
That feeling which has been curled inside my chest ever since I first saw her gives a painful throb. The depth of her scorn is physically uncomfortable to me.
Selfishly, I want to redeem myself in her eyes. I want her to see me as I am.
For a moment, I consider telling her the truth. But there is so muchothertruth around it — all of it classified, anddangerous for her to know. It is safer for her to believe what everyone else believes about me.
And I cannot blame her for her feelings. Of course she is disgusted by me. She believes me to be an abuser and a murderer. She is correct on one of those counts.
If I was certain that my brothers are coming… certain that they will reach the Hades before the authorities do… then I could be honest with her.
But it is possible that my brothers will not come, and I will have to land the ship on an unknown world. That is a dangerous prospect for Finch, and one that I would rather she acclimatizes to now, in case it comes to pass. If it does, she will need to trust me and accept my protection. It is best that I do not start our relationship by promising her a rescue that never comes.
Worse, the authorities could catch up to the Hades before we can escape, and Finch could be interrogated about the failure of the ship’s systems. If the interrogation reveals that she knows more than she is meant to about Watergap…
Why burden her with false hope of rescue, or with knowledge that may prove deadly? For now, she, like the prisoners, can believe that we are simply going to take our chances on whatever planet we can find.
If my brothers never appear, she will be none the wiser. If they do, then I will tell her the truth — and it will not matter, because by then we will be safe.
This is the only logical approach. Although lying to her does not sit well with whatever is pressing on my chest, I know that it is for the greater good.
I get to my feet. Finch looks alarmed, but I step away from her, towards the door to the flight deck. It is time to check the instruments again.
“There are clean uniforms in the closet,” I say. “You maychange into whatever you like. There is also a bathroom there, which you are free to use as you wish. I will return later.”
IT MUSTbe evening by now. Roth has been gone for a few hours.
I’m so tired, I could fall asleep right here on the floor. My head lolls down, eyes heavy… then I jolt awake, digging my nails into the soft flesh of my wrist for an invigorating scrape of pain.
Asleep, I’d be too vulnerable. I have to stay awake — here, in the corner, with my back to the wall.