He clears his throat while he puts on his pants and says, “Your father sold your hand in marriage to Leo Angelini to prevent a blood war. He told Angelini that he would not work with the Russian skin dealers any longer.” That grabs my attention before Anton slips his shirt over his head. My father loves to trade in skin and while he was not sick enough to touch his own daughter, he has used me as a bargaining chip more than once. It is hard knowing that your father trafficks and uses girls your age and younger for his pleasure while your mom does nothing but smile. She acts like there is no issue with who he is and what lengths he is willing to go to for his empire. Now, the cherry on top is that he is marrying me off to theAngel of Deathat twenty-one, without any consideration for what he may physically do to me. Where normal laws at least try to help women, the mafia does not follow those and he has every right to kill me after we are married. I am considered his property to do with as he pleases. The Angelini family and ours have never gotten along. He is as likely to kill me as he is to keep me captive. I will never fly free of the cage of this life.
“I was present for the negotiation of the terms and it seems that Angelini has requested you since his son does not date,” Anton remarks. That tidbit piques my interest. If he doesn’t date then why are we going out to a nice restaurant downtown to get to know each other? What kind of game is he playing? Will he get me comfortable and then use me just like the others or will he lock me up and throw away the key? I know this marriage is strategic for him and I need to find his angle if I want to survive this. Looking at Anton through the mirror I smile, knowing that I cannot take him with me. It would likely get him killed if I tried.Men of power do not like to share. Anton stands at the window checking to ensure my safety.
“I have been allowed to drive you to the date and monitor the situation from nearby since your father does not want any harm to come to you before you can tie the knot.” Anton surprises me. I know my father doesn’t care about me as a person, I am nothing more than a pawn in his schemes. He has Anton there as a witness in case Leo messes up or it's a trap.
“At least I know you will be there and be able to save me from serious harm,” I quipped. This was more of a joke but if he isn’t careful whatever action he decides to take could start a war. We both know how much blood is spilled in war. This war would mean that Eva would have to be used and I will not add to her plate. She gets darker and more distant every time she has to go on a job. I know that she does it to protect us, but she cannot wash the blood off of her soul no matter how much she washes her skin.
“It's time to go if we are going to get there on time, Miss,” Anton interrupts, treating me with the traditional title since we are about to go in public. Breathe. One last mirror check, everything is in the perfect place for this match of minds. Walking to the car, I start going through what I know about Leo. On the way to the restaurant, every moment I have spent with Leo flits through my mind. I actively avoided him as much as I could once I came of age. Lost in my thoughts, we pull in front of the restaurant. I straighten my spine and prepare for battle when I exit the car.
Walking to the front, I am seated at a booth immediately with the reservation being under Leo’s name. I know Anton is watching me nearby. We have been sleeping together more often but it's just fun and comfort fucking. He cannot get or have feelings for me when I am about to be married off to the enemy. If he is found in my bed or pining for me, it will get him killed byeither my family or my husband-to-be. If he is caught, his death will not be painless.
The waitress comes by to drop off bread and asks if I want something to drink.
“Can I get the sweet riesling please?” I ask her. I am going to need a drink. She comes back quickly with my drink and a smile as she disappears.
Everything slows around me when he walks into the restaurant. His black suit fits him like a glove and I cannot take my eyes off of it. His signature all-black look makes his eyes stand out. They knock my breath away with a beautiful blue iris and a panty-dropping smirk. It cannot be him. Why does he have to be magnetic? I cannot understand how the whole world fears him until he makes his way over to my table. Grabbing my glass I gulp in preparation for this war of wills and the game is on. He sits across from me at the table perfectly relaxed with the kitchen to his back. He must know this place intimately. I extend my hand to greet him.
“Mr. Angelini, it is a pleasure to meet you,” I speak with a sly smile. How he reacts to the title will tell me all that I need to know about him. He reaches out his hand opposite mine, gently turning over my hand and pressing his lips to the back of it. I can feel the blush creep from my chest to my face and ears. He is a dazzling foe.
“I will make sure the pleasure is yours, fiancée,” he speaks gently only to me. He is good at this. As he takes a seat, the waitress returns with his glass of amber liquid. That confirms that he is a regular here. As he releases my hand I have to focus to keep my hand from shaking. Reaching down to grab a menu I realize that the only one left on the table was for drinks.
“I did not receive a menu when I sat down. Is there one for me to order from?” I inquire. I wonder if this is a game for him. It could be intentional to throw me off. Invite me out but refuseto eat with me so he can still say he has never been on a proper date.
He laughs and says, “No, I ordered the classic family spread. I know you have never been here and it gives you bits to try from all the staple Italian dishes from my family's recipe book.” I have to remind myself to close my mouth. He ordered a spread to share. He has no idea what I like. At least he didn't order me a boring salad to get me to watch my weight. On all of the “dates” my father has required me to attend over the years I was never permitted to eat a full meal. It is unladylike and lacks the sexual appeal that I was intended to provide. No matter how unsavory the male companions were I was always dressed to impress and any deviation led to punishments,
“What if I have allergies?” I question, wondering how well he thought this through. His cocky smirk tells me that he has more of a claim in this game than I previously thought. I hate cocky assholes who think they are right. Is this what the whole marriage is going to be like? I am supposed to survive the overbearingAngel of Deathby myself.
“According to my intel, you have no allergies, but don't worry I didn't snoop in your proverbial panty drawer. Word to the wise, If you’re going to take nudes, you may want to learn to protect your files better,” he taunts me. He fucking taunts me. I can feel the heat creep up my ears until everything feels like it is on fire. He did fucking research on me. No, he is a busy man. They don’t do their own research, they pay others to do it for them.
Chapter Five
“Some people have dicks, some are dicks, and an unlucky few fall into both categories.”
She is more gorgeous than the last glimpse I got of her and I hate her for it. This should not be so hard. She doesn’t deserve her beauty. Not when the blood that runs through her veins pinkening her cheeks is responsible for so much destruction. Not only the devastation of Claire’s life, but the reason I barely have memories of my mother. I see a challenge staring into her beautiful brown eyes full of mischief. I know I can break her. Her eyes tell me that she is testing me on purpose. She wants to see what theAngel of Deathis capable of.
This is a battle of wills, and this will be so much easier if I can get her to willingly submit to me. There are many rules that I will bend and break for my revenge but I will not cause physical harm to a woman or child. Just because she is the enemy's daughter does not mean she is an exception to that rule. While I would never force submission in the bedroom, most women yearn for the chance to bow to me and I am careful. What I provide is a safe, fun, and adult game filled with unbiddenpleasure and pain mixed like the perfect cocktail. I don’t touch women who are not of age and absolutely willing for a night of pleasure brought on by me. The image of her on her knees sends blood to my cock causing me to lose focus on what skin she currently is exposing to me. How beautiful it would look tinged red while she cries out-
“Which of the family goons did you get to run a background for my medical information? I doubt you did it yourself,” she interrupts my train of thought. It makes me smile to see her so feisty. This bratty attitude does nothing to help my pants straining my erection right now. Her accusation isn’t necessarily wrong but where is the fun in admittance? I did have someone get me the info, but it's my best friend and I knew that any information obtained would be safe.
“Don’t worry, daddy dearest handed over the background information without so much as a warning to me about its use. He didn’t want me to accidentally kill his baby girl,” I laughed. This isn’t necessarily a lie. He did send an email to let me know what she was allergic to even if it is only one brand of laundry detergent that I don't use and a general distaste for exotic foods. I don't care about her comfort. She is an adult and can give herself the softness she seeks; mine died with Claire’s innocence.
“As if he cares,” she mutters and shuffles in her seat, clearly uncomfortable with my comment but also not denying it. I should be glad that his actions are not unusual or unexpected even by his daughter. This means that what he provided me is most likely accurate information and will help me keep her caged and alive. Before I have the opportunity to comment on her utterance, our waitress comes by with the platters and I smile as her eyes get wider.
The large spread of traditional Italian food being laid on our table is a sampler of each of my family’s recipies. With each dish a pride piece from Italy, most recipes go back generations. I cancook everything here flawlessly and I need to know my bride-to-be's favorite for when she is agreeable. This is the best way to share food with someone new as it includes; garlic bread, gnocchi with pesto, mushroom ravioli, butternut squash ravioli with sage brown butter, spaghetti and meatballs, and whatever today's special is. I cannot look away from her even to blink as she sets down her wine in awe of the entire table of food choices and picks up her fork. Her eyes flit to me for a moment before moving, as though she is asking my permission to eat. Nodding at her, it hits me that maybe she can be a good girl after all.
Watching her take the first bite of my family’s mushroom ravioli and moan is enough to make sure my dick is back to standing at attention. I pick up my fork to try the special for the day and by the look of the special it is the Petrale sole with a cream and citrus sauce.
“The mushroom ravioli is best eaten like a topping on the garlic bread for the full effect. You don’t have to impress me with your etiquette, our fathers already agreed to our betrothal. There is no going back now,” I speak frankly before taking my bite. The flavors explode just the way that they should, a perfect culmination of the citrus and oil with the cream sauce. The bite is enough to make me lose focus for a moment. It tastes just like when my mother made it the first time in my childhood. She made every minute with me count when she was stateside. Shaking the thoughts away, I watch her to see what she grabs next. She is cutting the butternut squash ravioli in half like she hasn’t been free to just eat before. It's ravenous the way she is going at the food, like a starved animal. What kind of diet does her father have her on? I feel the familiar rage boiling beneath the surface, but for a new reason. Something isn’t adding up and I am going to need to get to the bottom of it.
“Since we are supposed to be getting to know each other, what would you like to know, Mr. Death?” she quips betweenbites. Oh, so if you give her some butter words start to fly out of her mouth. Well two can play that game, my delicate little pest.
“Well, Butterfly, if you could run away and do anything in life, what would it be?” I question with a smirk. Her fork stops in its tracks. But for what did she pause? Was the depth of my question more than she expected or is she displeased with the new moniker? She sets down her fork for the first time this evening and I see her hand slightly tremble when she reaches for her wine.
“That depends, is this personal knowledge or are you going to tell my father what my answer is?” She asks flatly. It seems like it should have had more bite but it doesn't. Is she hiding things from her dad, and if so why? She is known as his Princess, his diamond daughter.
“Personally, we all know the only person here who is friendly with your father is your bodyguard, but he is too far to hear us,” I answer with more honesty than I thought I would. While I fear my father, the mystery of her relationship with hers is a part of this game that I am too unfamiliar with. I am going to need more intel because I need to know how much she will fight me on this.