Something ran across the yard behind the girls, and Wreck stood. Why was a lion streaking across their territory?
There could only be one reason.
The war Lucia had foreseen was here.
There was yelling from the trees, and Wreck jogged around the mobile homes to see. A line of boars was charging in from the east. What the hell?
Gunner was near the tree line, and looked right at him. “They have allies. Get Hallie out of here!”
Fuck. The boars were attacking the Fastlanders with the Holland Pride, and this was bad. They didn’t have moral compasses when it came to war. There were no ethics.
“Hallie!” he yelled.
“I’m here!” she said as she came out of her single-wide, loading a pistol. Lucia’s vision was coming true. Hallie was pregnant, and she couldn’t change into her grizzly. Lucia had seen her popping bullets into enemies.
“Where’s Ruger?” he yelled.
“I don’t know,” Hallie said, panicked. “I saw him run that way!” She pointed for the road, but there were cars filtering up to the Fastlander trailer park now, and they didn’t look friendly.
He gritted his teeth. “Hallie, you’re with Timber now.”
“What? No! Gunner is in that fight!”
“And you’re carrying Gunner’s cub! He said to protect you.”
“Timber can’t protect—” the words died in her throat as she laid eyes on Timber, who had stood to her full height, eyes glowing ice-blue, naked and clawed to hell by the lioness she’d fought in the motel.
“A lioness Turned her,” Wreck called out.
“No she didn’t,” Timber said in a low, bone-chilling growl. “The mate of the red dragon Turned me.”
Wreck had been headed toward the battle, but he hesitated and looked back, took a second look at those blue eyes. Holy. Shit.
His mate wasn’t a lioness like he’d thought. She hadn’t been Turned in that fight at the motel.
He knew what Riyah was.
And now he knew what Timber was.
She was a motherfucking polar bear.
“I want you out of here and safe,” he uttered. “Take Riyah and Hallie, and leave. Find the boy and his mother. Lucia saw him running in the woods. Get as far away from my fire as you can!”
“I don’t want to leave you,” Timber gasped out.
“Timber! I’ve never asked for anything from you.”
She drew up, pausing in her advance on him, blazing-blue eyes full of emotion.
“If you care, you’ll do this one thing for me. I need the boy safe.”
She inhaled sharply, and nodded. “I’ll find him.”
Chapter Seventeen
Everything was so intense in this body!
Timber could see for miles, even in the darkness. She could hear every scream, every grunt from the battles, every word of muffled conversation, every leaf rustling in the wind that was kicking up.