Page 74 of Honor



I didn’t realizehow much I missed driving until I got behind the wheel of this luxury SUV. The emblem on the front of the hood says it all. This Mercedes is equipped with all the bells and whistles, including a sound system that would put the biggest rock band in the world’s concert setup to shame.

Lottie was in charge of music, so she blasted the playlist from her phone through the SUV’s speakers as we charged down the highway within the legal speed limit.

She encouraged me to “put the pedal to the metal,” but I don’t need a speeding ticket. Besides, I enjoyed the drive with the window rolled down and the fresh air flooding my lungs.

Lottie wanted to turn on the air conditioning, but I insisted we cool the car down old school style.

She got on board as soon as the wind whipped a few strands of her hair against her cheek. This may have been one of the few times I’ve seen her relax since we met.

I know that planning the wedding has taken a lot out of her. I suspect that has more to do with the fact that her family isn’t inthe picture to offer not only physical help but emotional support, too.

“It’s the first house on the left,” she says, even though the only house in clear view looks like a mansion from a magazine.

“We’re staying there?” I steer the SUV toward the long, winding driveway. “Lottie, this is breathtaking.”

“I’ll say.” She lets out a light laugh. “Randall said it was nice, but that’s the understatement of the century.”

Pulling further into the driveway, I spot a black BMW parked in front of the garage. “Is that the host’s vehicle? Are they here to greet us and give us a mansion tour?”

Her face lights up with a smile. “A host? What do you mean?”

“It’s a vacation rental,” I point out the obvious. “It’s someone’s house, right? I assume they hired a company to handle the rentals. Is there a representative meeting us here to hand over the keys for the weekend?”

Her gaze trails over my face before I turn away to focus on parking next to the BMW.

As soon as I’ve killed the engine, I unbuckle my seat belt and turn to find her doing the same. She skims a hand over her hair to smooth it out. “I think that car belongs to one of Randall’s friends.”

My stomach drops like a lead balloon. “What?”

She doesn’t glance in my direction, so she misses out on the shocked expression I’m certain is on my face. “Randall and most of his friends came up this afternoon on one of those party bus things, but he said another friend, Johnny, or Jimmy, or something with a J was driving.”

I rest my head against the seat and close my eyes briefly. “I see.”

“I did mention that Randall and his friends would be here, right?”

I open my eyes to see her staring at me with perked brows. “You didn’t.”

“Oh, shit.” She chuckles. “I’m sorry, Evie. It’s a combined bachelor and bachelorette party. I’ve met a couple of his friends. They’re nice guys. One is married, but his wife is away with her sister for the weekend, so she’s not here.”

I nod. “Okay.”

“Another is long distance with a girl in Maryland, so he’s off limits.” She winks. “I think the others are single, and of course, there’s Reid, so…”

My heart thunders in my chest. “Mr. Hunt is here?”

She glances at the diamond-encrusted watch circling her wrist. “It’s way past quitting time, Evie. He’s Reid. Just Reid.”

He’s notjustReid.

He’s my boss and the man I haven’t stopped thinking about kissing since I misheard him days ago when we talked about Magnus.

As much as I kind of wish Reid had asked if I’d kiss a man like him, I know my ears were playing tricks on me. Still, it’s been impossible not to imagine what his lips would feel like pressed against mine.

“Earth to Evangeline.” Lottie brushes a hand over my shoulder. “Let’s get inside and get this weekend started.”