Baden cranes his head to get a better look. “Is that Evie?”
I press the phone to the center of my chest. “Mind your own fucking business.”
“I’m going to make coffee.” He tugs on a gray T-shirt that is barely tucked into the waistband of his running shorts before he pulls it over his head. “Then you’re going to explain what’s going on.”
My laughter follows him out of the bedroom. “There’s no chance in hell that’s happening, and I’m showering first, so there’s time for you to order breakfast.”
“Will do!” he calls back.
I take an extra second to study the photo I took of my executive assistant.
Evangeline must have covered me with the blanket, and since I don’t recall placing my phone on the table, she must have done that for me.
That means she likely caught a glimpse of this image, too.
Since I have no logical reason for taking a picture of her, I’ll pretend it doesn’t exist until she brings it up.
In fact, I’ll delete it now.
My thumb hovers over the trashcan icon on my screen that will suck the image into the ether forever.
All I have to do is press it, but…
Shaking my head, I close the photo app and toss my phone on my bed.
“I’ll delete it later,” I say to myself as I head toward my bathroom. “I definitely will.”
It tookzero effort on my part to avoid talking about Evie over breakfast with Baden this morning.
A client he’s been trying to land did that for me. Typically, Baden isn’t all in on the weekends like I am, but he took a call just as breakfast was being delivered, and after shoving half of a bagel into his mouth in three solid bites, he took off.
I did the same shortly after, but I took a walk instead of doing what I always do – going to the office.
Now, I’m standing on the sidewalk in front of Evangeline’s building, wondering what my next move should be.
I want to discuss balancing our work dynamic with our unexpected roles of maid of honor and best man.
I see a big payday at the end of this, and if I’m going to make that happen, I need my assistant on board.
“Mr. Hunt?” Evangeline’s voice comes from somewhere behind me.
I turn instantly to find her wearing a pink sundress. In her hands are two fabric shopping bags overflowing with fruits and vegetables.
I reach for both. “Let me help you with those.”
There’s just a touch of resistance from her before she lets me take the handles of the bags. They have some weight to them, so I grin. “Did you buy half the market?”
Her lips part in a soft smile. “There’s a watermelon in one and two cantaloupes in the other.”
“All for you?” I question because although I overheard her tell Cleo she lives alone, I have no idea if there’s a boyfriend or lover in the picture.
She offers me a brisk nod. “I like melons. Do you?”
If I was fourteen and with my friends at the outdoor public pool we used to frequent in the summers, I’d get a good chuckle out of that question, but I’m thirty-two-years-old, so I steal a quick glimpse of the shape of her ample tits in that dress and then clear my throat. “I’ll help take these up to your apartment.”