“There’s this cute bar in Greenwich Village that makes an intense peach martini, and the bartender isn’t hard on the eyes.”
That grabs my attention enough that I drop the guise of reading whatever is on my laptop screen and look toward where Miss Starling is standing next to her desk with her back facing me. Cleo is directly in front of her, but I’ve barely noticed her because I can’t keep my eyes off my assistant and the dark green dress she’s wearing.
I’m grateful Miss Starling didn’t glance up when I first spotted her when I arrived with Baden. She was on her feet then, too, and talking with a client on the phone.
I was treated to a side view of her in that dress. Keeping my gaze off the swell of her ass beneath the thin fabric wasn’t easy to do, but I somehow managed to drag my attention from her body back to Baden’s face.
“What’s the name of the bar?” she asks Cleo.
“Tin Anchor,” she responds quickly. “As soon as Reid lets you go, shoot me a text. We can meet in the lobby and head over there.”
“Will do,” Miss Starling says, and even though I can’t see her face, I know she’s smiling. I hear it in her soft voice.
“The bartender’s name is Zeke. Picture messy black hair, glasses, and tattoos for days,” Cleo sells the merits of the bartender at this bar they are apparently headed to for peach martinis.
Why anyone would waste a dime on a drink that sweet is beyond me, but a good glass of scotch or vodka isn’t everyone’s first pick either, but it sure as hell is mine.
My assistant shifts on her feet, the heel on her right shoe dragging along the floor. “I think…”
Whatever she was about to say is interrupted by the office phone ringing.
Without an ounce of hesitation, she’s got it in her hand. “Good afternoon. Mr. Hunt’s office. How can I help you?”
I focus on my laptop screen again because I anticipate she’s about to send a call my way, and I don’t want her to catch me staring at her perfect ass.
As if on cue, she glances over her shoulder. “I’ll check on his availability, Mr. Bogner. One moment, sir.”
I don’t wait for her to ask. I motion for her to send the call through to my phone.
With a gentle nod, she does just that before she turns, walks toward me, and shuts my office door softly to give me the privacy she knows I need.
“I took your advice,”I say to Cleo as I raise my glass in the air so we can toast.
She gets the hint and raises her glass, too, so it’s within an inch of mine. “I hope to hell it was advice worth taking.”
Laughing, I lightly touch the side of my glass to hers. “It was. I put in a request for time off with Baden.”
“Smart girl.” She winks before she takes a sip of the peach flavored drink she ordered before we sat down at this small circular table at Tin Anchor.
I followed her lead and ordered the same, and although I’ve never had a martini before, I like it a lot.
I sip, too, but take my time swallowing. I want to savor this because I’m limiting myself to one alcoholic drink tonight. I have an entire day set aside for organizing tomorrow.
Although Lottie told me in a text message earlier today that she’ll cover the cost of anything I need for our whirlwind trip to Paris, I don’t want to take advantage of her generosity.
I have a few outfits that I’ll bring with me, including two little black dresses, so I’m prepared if we hit up some Paris hot spot for dinner while we’re there. Comfortable shoes, three sundresses, and the obligatory yoga pants and sweater for the travel days round out my wardrobe choices.
I have to take care of all the planning and packing over the next few days because I only requested next Friday and the following Monday off. Baden approved it within seconds after I emailed him, so I’m all set on that front.
As long as Mr. Hunt doesn’t veto it, I’ll be fine.
“What do you need the time off for?” she asks with a perked brow. “Please tell me it’s a weekend getaway with a hot guy.”
I glance at the bartender that she was praising earlier. He introduced himself as Zeke Morrow when we walked in, and even though we shared a smile, I didn’t feel a spark.