I chuckle because his assistant would have been my first call if I did need help with anything, but I won’t. I’m more than capable of handling everything on my own, even though Miss Starling would beg to differ.
The thought of her on a date tonight suddenly invades my thoughts again. It’s been a recurring issue all day. Every time I imagine her sitting at a table in a five star restaurant with some guy next to her, I’m hit with a bite of frustration.
It’s a new experience for me, and it’s not welcome.
“I need to get back to work,” Vance announces. “I’ll see you later.”
“Later,” I call after him as he exits my office.
My gaze lands on my assistant’s pristine desk and empty chair. I stare at both before I walk over, pull out her chair, and take a seat.
Closing my eyes, I inhale the subtle scent of roses lingering in the air.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I chastise myself before I push back, stand, and walk into my office, slamming the door behind me.
“I can pay,”Lottie insists as I dig my credit card out of my wallet. “Seriously, Evie, I want to.”
“No,” I say firmly, but with a smile. “I invited you, so this is my treat, and before we get into an argument about it, I’m covering dessert, too.”
She laughs. “Dessert?”
“Have you been to Cremza?” I quiz her about my favorite ice cream shop in the city.
Her head shakes. “Never. What’s Cremza?”
“You’ll find out after a quick subway ride.”
Before she can ask another question, I’m handing my credit card to the server. I grab hold of the offered tableside card reader and add a generous tip.
I know how much work is involved in a job like this, so I always tip well. While I was fortunate enough to have my dream job every summer while I was in college, my other job during the bleak months of fall and winter was to wait tables at a bistro in the West Village.
I went home from too many shifts with sore feet and barely any tips in my pocket. I always swore that if I were ever in a position to tip well, I’d do it.
My job at Vidori isn’t going to make me a millionaire, but it does grant me the joy of sharing the small amount of good fortune I do have.
Once the server has left, Lottie reaches across the table and pats the top of my hand. “You’re a good person.”
Touched that she thinks that, I smile. “I try my best.”
Her gaze falls to the front of the multi-colored blouse she’s wearing. I know it’s a designer brand because I spotted it in the window of the Arilia boutique on my way to work one day.
It’s a high-end clothing store packed with clothes I’d love to wear, but it’s all beyond my price range.
Lottie has paired the blouse with jeans and a purse designed by the one and only Dexie Walsh. Again, one of those is on my list of ‘I-wish-I-had-that,’ but right now, I prefer a growing bank account to a better wardrobe.
Besides, the cute pink sundress and low-heeled sandals I’m wearing earned me a few extra glances on the subway from creepy-looking guys, so that’s something.
“Before we take off for this Cremza place, I have a confession to make.”
My gaze shoots up to meet Lottie’s. My stomach knots as I take a deep breath. “What is it?”
She scrubs both hands over her forehead, and for the first time since we sat down, I notice the dazzling diamond engagement ring on her finger. I’d offer a compliment about how it rivals the size of the sun, but she’s about to make an admission that may send me running out the door.
I highly doubt it’s anything horrific. I consider myself a great judge of character, and my heart is telling me Lottie is a good person.