It was a disaster from the start. I left the restaurant convinced that our friendship was teetering in the balance because the woman he paired me with had one agenda, and it involved a wedding ring and me in a tux standing next to her.
“Thank Christ.” I smile. “Where are we having dinner?”
“My place.” He smiles. “I’m cooking.”
I’d complain, but he’s skilled in the kitchen, so I nod. “I’ll bring wine. Red or white?”
I nod. “Done.”
“Pick up a bottle of Bandello’s red,” he suggests. “Since we’re about to leap into the vineyard space, I should know what we’re working with. You’re a fan of it, right?”
Smiling at the one postage stamp in the middle of my desk, I glance at him. “I’ve never tried it.”
His jaw goes slack. “We’re sinking millions into this deal and you’ve never tasted it? Tell me Baden has.”
I shrug. “I don’t know. Miss Starling has, and she says the red has a bitter note.”
Raking a hand through his hair, Vance sighs. “Jesus, Reid. If this deal comes back to bite our asses…”
“It won’t,” I snap, interrupting what he’s about to say. “The business has been earning a steady profit. We’ll make some adjustments, improve where necessary, and in a couple of years we’ll make bank when we sell to a more established winery.”
“You’ve got it all figured out, don’t you?”
I shoot him a smile. “Don’t I always?”
“Bring a bottle of Bandello red tonight,” he says. “We need to know what we’re dealing with.”
“I’ll grab it on my way to your place.”
He glances toward my assistant’s vacant desk. “You mean you’ll make Evie run and get it, and then you’ll bring it with you.”
Normally that would be my plan, but since Miss Starling is so fucking proficient at her job, she’s clocked out for the day, so I’m on my own.
I can’t say I thought she’d get that list done, but then again, why am I surprised?
“She went home for the day,” I tell him so that I can see his reaction.
“What?” His brow furrows. “Is she sick?”
I bark out a laugh. “She’s fine. I gave her the time off.”
“You?” He points a finger at me. “You gave Evie a few hours off? Why?”
I should be offended, but I’m not in the least.I know I’m a hard-ass when it comes to our employees. Vance can be, too, if warranted, but someone needs to keep this operation running smoothly on a daily basis, and I’ve taken that burden on.
“She deserved it,” I say honestly.
He offers me a lopsided grin. “I agree. Drop by around eight for dinner.”
“Make it seven,” I counter. “I’m dead tired.”
“That’s what you get for pulling an almost all-nighter to get your claws into a winery that may not be worth every penny we’ll pay for it.”
“It’ll be worth it.” I run a hand over my jaw. “Trust in the process, Vance.”
“Don’t I always?” He smiles. “I’ll see you at seven, Reid. If you need any help before you call it a day, don’t bother Natasha.”