I’m unexpectedly grateful that Mr. Hunt didn’t send me to clean up right after the meeting. Cookies and brownies aren’t the best meal I’ll have this week, but they’ll calm the raging hunger that feels like it’s been burning a hole in my stomach for the past hour.
“Hurry back,” he calls after me.
I shoot a weak smile over my shoulder, knowing that I’m going to take my time. Once he’s back in that conference room, I don’t anticipate he’ll exit again until the deal is done.
I didn’t makeit to bed until two this morning, but the lack of sleep was well worth it.
Vidori Capital Partners will soon be the proud owner of a winery. Bandello Vineyards may not be a world leader in the market presently, but we have a handful of investors eager to drop funds into the purchase of the small winery.
Since all of them have more experience in this space than Baden, Vance, or I do, we’re more than happy to share the profits when Bandello is sold off in a year or two after the operations at the vineyard are streamlined and there’s a solid uptick in the company’s profits.
This business is all about the long haul and having the patience of a saint.
I round the corner headed straight for my office at eight fifty-five sharp. I’m surprised to see the empty chair behind Miss Starling’s desk.
I’ve grown accustomed to her sitting in that very spot with a smile on her face as I approach.
It’s one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen, and that’s not my exhaustion talking. Miss Starling radiates an energy that could clear every cloud out of the sky.
I’d never admit that to her, or anyone else for that matter, but she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.
“Good morning, Mr. Hunt.” Her voice hits me from the left.
I glance in that direction to see her holding a plate with a toasted bagel, a few berries on the side, and a small square dish containing what I assume is cream cheese.
My stomach takes notice since I didn’t have time for breakfast this morning. I spent too long dragging my ass out of bed before shaving and showering.
“Good morning,” I respond in a way I don’t typically, but she did hang around until the wee hours of the morning.
When I left the conference room, my assistant was right where I expected her to be. As she stood up from the bench she had settled on, a soft yawn parted her ruby red lips, and it was too captivating a sight for me to ignore.
I stared at her.
I have no idea if she noticed or not because her gaze was pinned on the conference room behind me.
That’s when she asked if she could do her usual walkthrough this morning instead of the middle of the night. I agreed with a nod. That lit up her face, and I carried that image home with me.
“Your coffee is right where you like it.” She motions toward my desk. “I also prepared a small breakfast for you in case you didn’t eat this morning.”
I drag my gaze away from the plate in her hands to focus on her.
She’s pinned her hair up, so only a few strands are falling around her face. The olive-colored dress she’s wearing fits her like a glove. As always, her lips are coated with the same crimson shade of lipstick that complements her perfectly.
I looked at myself in the mirror before leaving for the office. My gray suit is impeccable as always, but I look like shit. It’s obvious I barely slept, but no one would guess that Miss Starling likely got fewer hours of shut-eye than I did, considering she not only beat me to the office, but she took the initiative to seek out a well-rounded breakfast for me.
“Did you eat?” I ask without thinking.
A smile forms on her lips. “Yes, sir.”
I’m sure she’s stunned by the question since I’ve never inquired about any aspect of her personal life, including whether she eats breakfast before coming to work.
I take the offered plate from her hand, noting the small silver ring that circles her thumb and the light pink polish covering her nails. “I’ll need a minute to compile your task list for the day.”
“All right.” She twirls the ring around. “I know it’s early in the day, Mr. Hunt, but I’m wondering if you have any idea whether we’ll be staying late tonight.”