“Youwillgive these words power,” he assured. “They will not be resisted. Or turned away. IfI speak them, theywillaccomplish what I intend them to.”
More silence passed and he knew she was weighing things carefully. “Mr. Nidev,” she began, his cock getting slammed by a crippling desire. “You can speak your words to me. You are safe to do so.”
Fuck, she’d used her voice gifts on him. And they enflamed him beyond imagination. “It’s not me at risk, sweet Lyric. It’s you.”
Harlow hurried out of the building where Quantum was being held as fast as he could, making sure nobody was in earshot. Kult was the first person he wanted to call but then he remembered the shit-show he’d gone through at the meeting five hours prior.
Fetch would know his state of mind. He dialed him, pacing in the dark foyer as the phone rang.
“What’s wrong?” Fetch answered.
“Hey, uh. I was calling to see how Kult is.”
“Sleeping like a baby, last I checked.”
“Did you…”
“Yes, we did.”
“Fuck, he’ll be pissed if he finds out youtook his memoriesagain.”
“Not again. We never took his memories. He gave them to us,” he corrected.
“Fucking semantics, bruh.”
“Notsemantics. Facts.”
He pressed his middle finger and thumb into his eyeballs.
“What else is wrong? Your breaths are telling on you.”
“It’s Quantum.”
“What’s wrong?” he demanded quietly.
“I started running diagnostics on him and nothing was adding up. Then he wakes up and I realize the readingsaren’tfucking wrong.”
“Which readings?”
“It’s like he had astrokeor something!”
“And you wanted to call Kult about this?”
“I was just checking on him.”
“Human,” he said, or warned. “Your lies regarding our creator register as offenses.”
“Fine, he was the first person I considered, yes.”
“Why are you whispering?”
“Because I’m freaking out,” he said.
“We’re coming.”