“Mr. Thorne, I understand what you’re going through. Most of us have experienced it. We understand how important it is for you to be there for Ms. Callahan, but we’re a rapid response team. We conduct our missions with surgical precision. We put hours into training to be the best and function as a unit. We trust the other to have our back. We can read each other’s moves without hesitation. For the safety of my men and the success of this mission, we can’t babysit a civilian. You want Blaire and Val back—you have to trust us to do our fuckingjob.”
And that was the end of it. Grant had no reason to be stupid. He checked his ego at the door of his penthouse. He stood beside his dad with his hands shoved in his pockets. He found it the only effective way to keep from pacing the heliport like a derangedmadman.
Details had been coming in, but they were sketchy. Apparently, Blaire and Val had escaped and were found speeding down Route Nine in ColumbiaCounty.
The BlackHawk appeared in the horizon and his father patted him on the shoulder in a gesture of mutual reassurance. Their agonizing wait was almost over. As the chopper descended, the blades kicked up stinging mist from the river, but he refused to back away. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion like a dream. It was hypnotic. The rhythmic sound of the engine, the rotation of the blades, the chopper landing, and its door sliding open. Grant’s pulse and breathing quickened as two Guardians hopped off and helped the women stepout.
Then he saw herface.
She had a blanket wrapped around her. She looked so lost and her face was pinched as she struggled in those first few steps. And then she saw him and a glow of happiness lit her face, her stunning smile filling his chest with a riot ofemotions.
She ran toward him while his long strides shortened the distance between them. He caught her in his arms and lifted her up. Hazel eyes brimming with tears stared down at him and he lowered her slowly and kissed her with all the desperation and anguish of the past day and replaced them with all the love, yearning, and joy of herreturn.
“Teddy!” Val shouted and his sister leapt into his arms. Not letting go of Blaire with his left arm, he hugged Val with his right and planted a kiss on top of her head. And then a miracle of miracles happened. Val grinned atBlaire.
The senator came over to greet Blaire and took her momentarily from his arms. Grant spied Sully and Viktor observing the happy reunion. Leaving the women with the senator, he walked over to the Guardians and extended his arm to shake hands with bothmen.
“Thanks for getting my girls back,” Grant saidgruffly.
“They almost didn’t need us,” Viktor gave a crooked grin. “Your fiancée kickedass.”
“Can’t wait to hear all about it at the debrief,” Sully said. “Your office or thepenthouse?”
“Penthouse,” Grant said. “I want them to feelcomfortable.”
Both mennodded.
Grant turned around and headed back to his woman and hugged her tightly. “Love you so much,Angel.”
She stood on tiptoes, kissed him and mouthed, “Love you,too.”
* * *
Blaire and Valfinished their debriefing with Sully. Grant was still reeling from what he’d heard, but he couldn’t be prouder of his woman and sister. He didn’t think he could fall more in love with Blaire, but he just did. His woman was a badass. Sully smirked at him as the Guardian packed up the recording equipment. Blaire glanced helplessly over her shoulder as Val dragged her out of the room. His sister wanted to make Blaire her specialtydrink.
“Wow,” was all Grantsaid.
“Your fiancée should consider a career change. The Guardians would welcomeher.”
“Not fuckinglikely.”
Sully chuckled. “It was kinda embarrassing when our cavalry arrived. We hardly did anything. Our crew chased and rounded up Spencer and his men and retrieved the paintings. Not a single shot wasfired.”
Grant felt a corner of his mouth tip up. “I’m glad she has her old fire back. You heard what happened down inMiami?”
“Orlov beat the fight out of her and then she lost her bestfriend.”
“She just needed that catalyst,” Sully said. “And your sister wasit.”
“I’m so proud of Val, too,” Grant said. “She has been spoiled all her life and she pulled through when itcounted.”
“Adversity brings out the best or worst in people. The bestwon.”