“Yes, I’ll marry you.” I barely got the last word out when his lips crashed down on me. His thumb hit my clit and I soared intoclimax.
My inner muscles gripped his cock and he went feral, pounding deeper, sending me higher until he joined me. He groaned into the crook of my neck as he released inside me. His thrusting slowed and gentled. Then he was kissing my jaw, my cheek, and my lips. When the tremors left us both, he caught mygaze.
“I love you, Blaire.” Grant kissed the tip of mynose.
I didn’t know why, but my eyes filled with tears and a sob caught in my throat. I laughed to hide the sudden onslaught of emotions. “You kinda did that in reverse,Thorne.”
“I know,” He grinned crookedly. “We’ve wasted so much time these past ten months.” He pulled out of me, and maneuvered us to sit against the headboard. I was naked and he was still wearing his sweatpants. How was thatfair?
“I took too long to tell you how I felt,” Grant said. “You took off and then I discovered your secrets in the cabin and I didn’t know if you were the same woman I had fallen in love with. When I got you back, I knew nothing had changed and then the whole mess of the past month happened. I only fell deeper in love with you and you had put up a wall between us.” Pained eyes looked at me. “Do you know how crazy you mademe?”
“I think I have an idea,” I murmured, drawing circles on his chest. “You had us engaged when we barely got backtogether.”
“In my mind, we were never broken up,” Grant said with arrogance. “I used that time to wooyou.”
I shook my head, as a burst of laughter exploded from my lips. “You really never do things inorder.”
“See, if I told you I loved you first, and if I followed the order of things, I would have to wait at least three months without sounding psycho-in-love to ask you to marry me. I wasn’t willing to wait thatlong.”
“Hmm … and this doesn’t make you psycho?” Iteased.
“I have you where I want you,” he smirked. “Naked, on my bed, and wearing myring.”
“Usually, feelings have to be mutual, Grant. Are you sure I loveyou?”
He scowled down at me. “I couldn’t love you this much without you loving me inreturn.”
“That’s very presumptive on your part.” I was having a hard time keeping a straight face, but his smug expression was annoying. Who wanted to be a foregone conclusion? Notme.
“You love me,” he growled, and had me sprawled on my back onceagain.
“I do love your cock,” I said. “And your diabolicaltongue.”
“Blaire …” My name was a gutturalwarning.
“Oh, all right,” I smiled. “I guess I loveyou.”
“Guess?” His eyes sparked with amusement this time when he caught on to myteasing.
“I definitely love you, GrantThorne.”
“I know.” The smirk wasback.
The following morning,Grant went into his penthouse office and closed the door. He knew there was one person who wouldn’t be pleased about his engagement to Blaire and he’d rather that someone found out from him before the newsbroke.
Sighing heavily, he thumbed the number to call hissister.
The phone rang andrang.
“Dammit, Val, pick up,” he muttered. He wanted to get this over and done with and he’d be damned before he left her amessage.