Page 87 of Saving Grace

The feel of her softness pressing against him, the wet slide of her pussy around his girth, the risk of a voyeur watching them from the woods, threatened to make him come before he was ready. Matt gritted his teeth. “Get there, babe.”

“I love the feel of you,” she whined.

“Dammit, Grace, get there before I take over.”

“Baby,” she moaned. “A little longer …”

“Fuck it.”

He grabbed her ass and stood up. With him still buried deep inside her, he prayed he wouldn’t trip over his loose jeans, and marched her back into their bedroom. He dropped them to the bed, taking the fall, before flipping and dislodging her. Keeping her legs apart, he buried his tongue in her pussy and licked the slickness off her.

“Damn, now that’s dessert,” he growled. He let his tongue rough up her clit and ravenously collected the gush of her arousal. Her fingers gripped his hair as she finally came on a scream. Matt was so hard, he felt like he was carrying lead between his legs. He crawled up her body, slammed his mouth down to kiss her and slammed his cock back inside her. He held one of her legs up, relishing the feel of opening her up to him. It didn’t take him long. Just as she moaned again, his own climax ripped through his spine and blinded him with its intensity.

He could feel his heart in his throat as he collapsed beside her. Somehow, he managed to roll her on top of him. He needed this skin-to-skin contact after what they had just shared. He wasn’t ready to let her go.

“Wow,” she whispered.

Matt’s lips tipped up. “Wow,” he mumbled back.

“Is it my imagination or is it only getting better?”

“I feel it too, babe.”

“Will it always be this way?”

“Not sure I understand, babe,” Matt yawned. She pushed up and slapped him on the chest. He could feel her glare on him in the relative darkness. The only light was from the moonlight that darted in from the French windows.

“What the fuck?” Matt muttered.

“Do not be a typical male and fall asleep after sex.”

“Are you gonna start naggin’ ?” Matt was teasing, but, apparently, Grace didn’t think it was funny. She huffed and tried to roll off him. Instead, he switched their positions and trapped her by holding her wrists over her head and pinning her lower body with his torso and hips.

“You’re an asshole.”

“Hey,” Matt chided. “None of that now.”

“I don’t know why I married you.”

“You married me because you love me,” Matt said, then hurriedly added before she got further pissed. “And because I love you, too.” He buried his face into her hair. “Come on, gypsy,” he groaned. “I was teasing. Let’s not fight.”

He felt her relax. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “My emotions are all over the place.”

“I know,” he said softly. “I got you, Grace.”

And he slowly made love to her all over again.



Dallas was anti-climactic. In retrospect, we probably should have retrieved the flash drive first and then spent time at Ida’s Inn. My anxiety that had hung over our three-day interlude turned out to be unfounded ,and it was my faith in Matt that let me relax enough not to ruin our time together by bitching about getting to Dallas.

I knew it was irresponsible, treating this flash drive as a thorn in my side, when all I wanted was to ask Matt to take me away from all this madness. Priorities changed when you loved someone and you were responsible for a life growing inside you, but people died to get this information to me.

Antonio Escobar’s cousin wasn’t really his cousin which was why it was hard to link them. He was another distributor for the Carillo Cartel who wanted out. He’d made a good life for himself going back to college and was finishing his law degree, working part-time as a bank teller at The Veritas Bank of Dallas. In exchange for helping Escobar, his name was taken off the list. These were the stories I wanted to hear. I realized people made mistakes, but they needed to prove to me that they were willing to walk the straight and narrow afterward. Escobar’s “cousin” lost his older brother to the Carillo Cartel and made the decision that his remaining younger siblings weren’t going to live a life dictated by the criminal underworld. So, he moved his family from El Paso to Dallas and started a new life. Apparently, this whole plan between Escobar and his “cousin” had been two years in the making.

His “cousin” was saddened by the accountant’s death. It had been a Hail Mary plan to begin with. Escobar still had family in El Paso. His “cousin” said he would send word to the accountant’s family about his death.