Page 52 of Saving Grace

“Should I be drinking coffee?” I reworded his question as if to convince myself he actually said that to me. “I don’t think you’ll like me very much if I don’t have caffeine.”

“I’m serious, Grace.”

“So am I.” I shuddered at the thought of losing my morning fix. “I’m sure a little won’t hurt.”

“How much is a little?” Matt demanded.

Sheila laughed. “What’s the problem here?”

“She’s pregnant,” Matt announced in such a way that those two words made me feel like I was the most irresponsible pregnant woman.

“Oh,” our server murmured with a smile. “I think you’re okay with a cup.”

“See?” I grinned.

Matt shot me an infuriated look before giving his order to Sheila. “Creamed beef and biscuits. Also, a side of bacon and pancakes. Coffee.”

“Good lord, you can eat all that?” I gave Matt a once over when our server left the table. “How do you manage to stay in shape?”

“Genetics.” Matt smirked.

“Wow, you’re very humble,” I said in mock sarcasm.

“Just kidding.” His half-laugh lightened his features causing me to catch my breath at how sinfully handsome he was. No wonder Kyra was nuts about him.

“You know I work out almost two hours every morning,” he added.

“Well, how do you maintain such discipline?” I was glad I had a reply. This light-hearted Matt was more dangerous than his broody, bossy version.

Our coffee arrived and Matt took a sip of his before continuing. “I need that outlet for my energy seeing that my favorite form of exercise is unavailable to me at the moment.” He glanced at me meaningfully, and I flushed to the roots of my hair. “You’re blushing.”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” I averred.

“You know if only you’d have sex with me, I wouldn’t be working out so much.”

“Matt!” I scolded, feeling myself redden even more.

“What?” A brow rose innocently. “I’ve made no secret I want you in my bed.” He grinned. “Wait, you’re already in my bed.”

“I can move to the guest room,” I pointed out.

“What for? You’ll only be moving back in.”

“There’s just no end to your arrogance.”

Matt’s answering chuckle created a quiver in my belly. It took no effort at all for him to get under my skin when he turned on the charm. My usual defenses weren’t working. We enjoyed a few moments of companionable silence, savoring the delicious morning brew. For a small-town diner, Millie’s served a more-than-decent coffee. John Crowder’s store brought in special roasted coffee beans from some artisan roasters in Atlanta. Misty Grove was anything but a typical small town. Its residents had been all over the world and are used to sophisticated comforts like great Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans.

“So,” Matt cleared his throat. “Did the doctor say anything about any physical limitations?”

This man was so transparent, I couldn’t help teasing. “Yes. Nothing more strenuous than a walk for my exercise.”

He looked down at his mug, clear disappointment on his face. “I see.”

I laughed. “Oh my God, you and your one-tracked mind.”

Realizing I was pulling his leg, Matt’s look of relief only sent me laughing harder.

“Wicked woman,” he murmured, a gleam entering his eyes. “You’ll pay for that.”