“I’m surprised you finally hooked up with her,” Axe said slyly. “I thought you hated her guts.”
He did, but now it was for a different reason—one he refused to examine. Only a few people in Misty Grove knew Grace was DEA. Everyone else, including Axe, thought she was a blood-thirsty reporter hell-bent on getting the inside details of the “biker war” that exploded in their town a couple of months ago.“I did. Turned out her boss was a dick and I didn’t have all the facts.”
This was partly true.
“So, she didn’t sell you out after all? How come you never mentioned this to me?”
Matt was getting irritated at his friend’s persistence. “No. And because it’s none of your business. Besides, she’s leaving Misty Grove on Monday for DC, and she has no plans of coming back.”
Especially, after the way I left her this morning.
“Okay.” His mechanic shrugged. “Then you don’t care if Romeo over there is trying to pick up your girl?”
Matt whipped his head around so fast, he nearly tipped his beer bottle over. He scowled. Sure enough, some biker had sidled up to Grace and was leaning in a little too close for his liking. Before he realized what he was doing, he had risen from the booth and was halfway across the room heading straight for her.
Her eyes widened when she saw him barreling over with murder on his face because that was exactly how he was feeling. She hopped off the bar stool and intercepted him, pressing a hand on his chest.
“Oh, no you don’t,” Grace hissed. His eyes flickered at her in annoyance before glaring over the top of her head at the biker who was surprised to see him there.
“Problem here?” The man had a death wish asking that question.
“Yes,” Matt growled. “Get lost.”
The biker puffed up and was about to say something when he thought better of it. He raised both hands in surrender. “Didn’t know she was taken. You shouldn’t leave a prime piece like her sitting alone in a biker bar.”
Grace expelled an irritated huff before digging her fingers into his tee and dragging him toward the restrooms. He enjoyed riling her up and loved her hands on him even more. When they reached the hallway that led to the restrooms, she released him with a push. Then she crowded him and tapped him on the chest. “What the hell was that, huh? What the hell were you trying to prove out there?”
“I didn’t want you making a mistake with some random guy because of what happened this morning,” he fired back.
She rolled her eyes. “How is this any different from our one-night-stand?”
“You’ve known me for years.”
“Does that give you a right to dictate who I sleep with?”
Matt’s jaw tensed. “No. But I’d feel guilty if you picked up some psycho.”
Her half-laugh dripped with sarcasm. “Been there, done that. You were the worst morning-after I’ve ever had.”
He deserved that. “Yeah, it was shitty for me to leave you in a motel like that—”
“When I suggested spending the weekend together, you didn’t have to react like I asked you to spend the rest of your life with me. You jumped out of bed like it was on fire, telling me you didn’t want any repeat while yanking on your clothes. Then you slammed out of that motel room while I was sitting up in the bed, naked and wondering what the hell just happened. You trampled on my pride. I was humiliated. Do you hate me or something? You were an asshole when I first arrived in Misty Grove and I was simply doing my job and covering your ass. And then last night you fucked my brains out as if you were pissed at me.”
“Are you complaining?” Matt replied evenly. “You came on my mouth, my cock, and my fingers so it’s not like I left you wanting. Or did I? You think you can find someone here who can fuck you like I did? Sorry, babe, I’m a one-of-a-kind fuck. You want more? Fine, I think I can accommodate you one more night.”
Say yes, gypsy eyes. Let me get you out of my system.
“Oh, my God, you’ve got such an ego!” Grace whispered loudly. A couple of women exited the ladies room and eyed them, specifically him, with interest.
Now, that was why he had an ego. Women came easy to him. Most women, except Grace.
“You want the thrill, don’t you?” Matt stepped closer, cornering her curvy body against the wall, not giving a damn about the curiosity their exchange was attracting from the patrons traversing the hallway. “You want some bad boy to fuck the starch out of that all-business crap you insist on wearing during the day.”
His eyes dropped to her lips, recalling how they’d wrapped around his cock as her green eyes stared up promising him more. Matt lowered his head, and fuck if he couldn’t get lost in those emerald orbs, cursing the dim lighting that dampened their brilliance. He pressed closer until he could feel her generous tits under that skimpy top that displayed a fair amount of cleavage. His hands swept under her short skirt and gripped the firm globes of her ass. His cock was painfully hard against his jeans.
“Matt …” Her lips parted and her breath hitched. “Don’t …”
“What? Don’t stop,” he mumbled against her lips. “You shouldn’t wear clothes like this, babe. All a man could think about right now is wrapping those sexy legs around him, so he can pound the fuck out of you.”