Page 8 of Hello Kitten

Sliding my phone back in my pocket, I glance around, searching for my friends and perhaps another drink. Maybe I should give my phone to Beth, just to be safe.

“There you are!” Beth says, drinks in hand, and I can’t help but shake my head.

Taking one of them, I lean closer to her. “Thank you, I needed that.”

My phone buzzes again, and I try to ignore it, but my hands itch with this need to grab it. Or is that the alcohol speaking?

“What’s wrong?” Beth asks, taking my hand as I keep fidgeting.

I muster a smile. “It’s Adrian, he texted me and I replied something I shouldn’t have.”

Her shoulders drop, and she tilts her head. “Em, just leave him alone. I’m sure he could get fired for being with a student and what would people say about you.”

My fake smile doesn’t waver, even as Beth seems to blame me for Adrian texting me.

My phone vibrates and as Beth turns, I quickly grab it from my pocket.

Are you drunk?

I snort as I reply.

Why does that matter? I’m drunk. At a bar. Leave me the fuck alone!

His answer comes quickly.

What bar, Emily?

I roll my eyes and gulp the drink down. Holding my phone up as I take a picture of myself with the empty glass and send it to him.

Having fun, now back off!

He’s quicker than me with two words.

What. Bar.

I ignore his message, keeping my phone clutched in my hand and try to throw myself into dancing and having fun until my phone thrills again.

Another message from Adrian.

Answer me, Emily. Be good.

I’m not yours! Leave me alone.

I don’t understand why he keeps trying. It should be obvious we aren’t good for each other.

“Why aren’t you dancing?” Beth asks, taking my phone from me.

“Because I was on my phone,” I sass.

“So, you’re drunk texting instead? Stop texting,” she says.

I snatch it back. “Go back to the guy who caught your attention. I’m not in the mood for this.”

She rolls her eyes. “Put your phone away!”

As she walks away, my phone lights up and the message he sends makes my throat tight.

I know where you are. I’m on my way. Don’t drive.