I take a slow breath.
“Do you still want to come over tonight?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly.
Thinking of how I flirted with Sean. That I went out and drank so much I got drugged. This is such a mess. But then I think of us at my sister’s wedding. How he’d stood up for me without me needing to ask. The way he wastherein every way that wasn’t sexual.
I think of him taking me to the diner to sober me up, how he cooked for me, remembering all the details I laid out and following through. How we’d laughed together and talked about literature between rounds of sex.
He sighs. “Carissa and I aren’t anything to each other. Yes, she kissedme. It didn’t mean anything Emily. I pushed her offme and then she left. I came running after you, but you’re faster than you look.” Another sigh falls as I nibble on my bottom lip, unsure what to do.
“It’s your choice, Emily. I’m not going to force you to spend time with me, I’m not going to force you to believe me, that’s your choice,” he says simply.
“Would you have come here if ... if Beth hadn’t told you not to?”
“I was already outside, kitten.”
My chest aches as I take a deep breath. “Tonight ... give me like thirty minutes to get ready.”
“Let me pick you up,” he says.
I gulp. “No, I can drive.”
“You sure?”
I take a shaky breath. “Yeah, I’m sure. See you in a bit.”
I hang up and I stare at my phone. I don’t know what to do with Adrian. We’re in some kind of exclusive sexual relationship, but he wants me every weekend. He said we couldn’t do dates, but that’s what being at his house feels like. Now he’s willing to track me down by going to frats or coming to my dorm when he’s worried about me. That’s not someone who’s only about sex.
And even if it’s a little controlling ...
I tug my necklace, feeling it tighten around my throat and close my eyes. Who am I kidding? I want him to like me. I want him to want more with me than just sex. I want our fun moments outside of the bedroom. I want to keep Adrianeven though I have no business claiming him,can’tcall him my boyfriend.
I even hope Beth is right. Maybe this is love. Maybe I’m just to blind to see it.
Taking a breath, I pull on a cute top and black leggings that work well together. I toss my dark hair over my shoulder, put on enough makeup that I look like myself, then grab my purse and head to Adrian’s.
I pull into the driveway again and hit the button to bring the door down. Adrian opens the door before I can and grips my shoulders, looking me over. Once he’s sure I’m not hurt, he hugs me tightly.
I press my face against his shirt and squeeze him. “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“Me too,” he says softly. “We’re not drinking tonight though. I don’t care how you try to seduce me. We’re not drinking.”
“I’m not arguing,” I agree when my stomach lurches at the thought of alcohol. “I think it might be a while considering ...”
“Let’s get you inside,” he says.
When he starts to lead me inside and I don’t follow, he glances back. I swallow. “Adrian, would you want to be with her?”
“No,” he says without hesitation. “And when she came up to me, I was too slow, I didn’t… I’m sorry. I told her no, not to waste her time. I said I was seeing someone and wasn’t going to jeopardize it.”
“You said that because of ...” I trail off, studying his intense green eyes, made all the more intense by his dark skin. He takesa step back to me, then another and another. I back up until I bump into my car.
Adrian reaches out to stroke my hair and presses his body against mine. “I’ll give you one guess why I said that, baby. Just one, because that’s all a smart girl like you needs.”
I swallow hard. “But we’re supposed to be just sex.”
“Since when?” he asks, leaning closer, until his eyes are all that matter. I might as well be staring into the sun. I want to look away, but I can’t.