Page 11 of Hello Kitten

That means there’s only one answer that matters.

“I was late waking up and didn’t even remember hooking up until you walked into the room,” I lie.

He shakes his head slowly, knowing I’m lying and jerks me tighter against his sinful body. “You’re mine, kitten. And I’m not done with you.”

“Shut up,” I snap.

“I’m not letting you go.”

“I don’t want to hear it, Adrian.”

“Our night wasn’t a normal bar hook-up,” he finishes.

We stand there in silence, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

“Well, it doesn’t matter because it’s not going to happen again,” I finally say, hating the silence. Mostly because it makes me want to kiss him, or struggle more just for him to take control. “Let me go, and I can get home.”

“That’s how you want it to be? You want to forget?” He releases me.

I groan while searching for my purse. I find it thanks to my ringing phone. I pick it up, fumble with it and end up having it on speaker. “Hello?”

“Emily, baby!” my mom croons.

Adrian shakes his head and walks out of his own room.

“Hi, Mom,” I mumble. “You’re calling really ...” A look at the clock says it’s six a.m. “Really early.”

“Oh, I forgot all about the time difference. But don’t worry. That’ll be fixed soon.” She giggles.

“Why?” I ask.

“Don’t tell me you forgot about your sister’s wedding!” she gasps.

I sit down on the bed. “I ... It’s coming up faster than I was prepared for.”

I have two weeks.

“And I bet you don’t have a date ... unless you do?” Mom’s never been good at fishing for answers.

“I don’t,” I say while glaring at Adrian as he leans against the doorframe and his jaw ticks.

He doesn’t get to be jealous. We’re a hookup that can’t be more. He’s my professor. That’s not something he’s willing torisk, and I don’t want to spend a whole semester looking over my shoulder and hoping we’re not caught ... even if that sounds insanely hot.

“Oh good!” My mom squeals. “I have a guy that I think you’ll love. He’s a little older, he’s funny and muscular. Honestly, if he was any older ...”

“Mom,” I sigh.

“I know you don’t like being set up, but you’ll like him. He’s from a good family. He’s successful, has a good career. He could really give you some direction. I showed him your picture and—”

“You showed him my picture!” I screech.

“Yes, and he’s eager to meet you. I’ll just tell him yes and—”

Adrian takes a hard step forward, his arms crossed over his chest. I almost want to say yes to my mom just to make it clear that he and I can’t do this.

We have to have boundaries between us. Because if I even give in a tad, I know I’ll fall hard for him.

“Emily?” Mom asks.