Page 57 of Hello Kitten

“If that’s all, I have more grading to do. Have a good day,” he says.

“You too,” she answers.

When the door shuts, he pushes back in his chair and takes me with him.

Arching an eyebrow at me. “That was a dangerous game, Emily.”

I follow him, crawling across the floor to wrap my lips around his cock again. He takes sharp, panting breaths, grunting when I take him all the way down my throat. I finally push him over the edge, making him come.

He empties himself down my throat, giving me shallow thrusts that force him further down my throat. Adrian’s hand softens and strokes down my neck. His fingers slowly move over my jaw as I lick him clean, then he gently lifts my head, his thumb stroking across my cheek.

“Come here, kitten,” he purred.

I scamper to my feet and stare at him, trying to hide the frustration the other student brought up in me.

I lean my ass against his desk.


My wrong thoughts have crawled back, and it seems he has noticed. “Do they flirt with you like that all the time?” I ask.

Adrian moves closer, wheeling his chair closer to me. “Does it bother you?”

I gulp. “Yes,” I say softly, a redness painting my cheeks.


“Because you could have whoever you want, Adrian. You could have any student or professor. You’re new, attractive, on the young side, smart, and if you’reregularlygetting propositions like that ... I’m worried someone knows something or that ...”

“We’re exclusive, Emily,” he promises. “I told her no. I would have told her no when you weren’t here. I’ve told the other three students who’ve tried the same thing.”

I pull my shirt down, feeling exposed in the wrong way. Adrian fixes his pants, then finishes redressing me. He hugs me to him, gently caressing my back, then sliding his hand into my hair and tugging gently so I have to look up at him.

“There’s only you. You roll around in my head all day. I text you constantly. I’ve reserved all my weekends for you. When you speak in class, I’m entranced,” he whispers. “My head doesn’t have room for anyone but you.”

As much as I like his words, I hate them too. Hate that I care so much, as I never meant to be in this situation.

Adrian gently tugs my necklace and smiles. “Now ... this frat party.”

I shove him. “You’ll be recognized if you show up. No one can forget your gorgeous face or those eyes. Behave.”

“Sure, I’ll behave just like you did today,” he says with a light threat in his voice. He spanks me through my skirt. “Wait another few minutes before you leave.”

“I do actually want to discuss an assignment,” I say, peeling myself from his lap. “I’m not sure which book to choose for this, so I’m not sure if you’d like me to choose something from the reading list or if I have free reign.”

He watches me with his intense gaze, a smile tugging at his lips. “I like that you’re so focused on the assignment. As long as the book is relevant, I’ll accept whatever you decide.”

“Any book?” I clarify.

“Anyrelevantbook. The midterm won’t be shared with the class, but I’m hoping for something that reflects your writing abilities and your analytic side in equal measures,” he clarifies, and the door flings open, making me flinch.

“Oh, Dr. Hayes ... Emily!” Dr. Spence grins. “I won’t interrupt.”

“Any relevant book, got it. I hope my essay stands out,” I say and nod to Dr. Spence. “Have a good day, both of you.”

I walk out, still feeling Adrian’s eyes on me, and head outside to the library.
