Liam takes an aggressive step toward him, hands balling into fists at his sides. “I asked you a question, Clayton. What the hell are you doing in our house?”
Brody doesn’t even spare him a glance, his gaze still fixed on me. “I’m here to speak with your father. It’s a personal matter.”
“Personal?” Liam scoffs. “Since when do you have personal matters with anyone in this family?”
Dad holds up a hand, silencing Liam’s tirade. “Let the man speak, son.” He turns to Brody, his expression guarded but not entirely hostile. “How can I help you, Mr. Clayton?”
Brody finally tears his gaze away from mine to address my father directly.
“Mr. Sullivan, I’m here to tell you that I’m in love with your daughter.”
My heart feels like it might burst out of my chest. Is he really doing this?
“Savannah is the most incredible woman I’ve ever known. She’s smart, passionate, kind... and I can’t imagine my life without her.” Brody takes a step closer to my father, his gaze unwavering. “I know there’s been bad blood between our families. But I’m willing to do whatever it takes to put that feud to rest. Because your daughter means everything to me.”
Tears prick at the corners of my eyes. I never dared to dream that Brody would be so bold and so honest about his feelings.
“I want to build a future with her. A life together.” Brody’s voice roughens with emotion. “And I’m asking for your blessing, sir.”
Liam lunges forward, his face contorted with rage. “Are you out of your mind, Clayton? You think you can just waltz in here and?—”
“Enough, Liam!” Dad’s booming voice cuts him off mid-sentence. Liam’s mouth snaps shut, but his eyes still blaze with fury. “I won’t have you disrespecting a guest in my home.”
Dad turns back to Brody, his weathered face inscrutable. He studies him for a long moment, the seconds ticking by with agonizing slowness.
Then, miraculously, the hard lines of his face soften. The scowl that’s been etched into his features for as long as I can remember slowly transforms into something else.
Something that looks suspiciously like... understanding.
He nods once, a curt jerk of his head. “Well, Mr. Clayton, I can’t say this is a conversation I ever expected to have.” He rubs a hand over his stubbled jaw. “But I also can’t deny the conviction in your words. It’s plain to see that your feelings for my daughter are genuine.”
He gestures to the empty chair beside me. “Why don’t you have a seat and join us for dinner, son? It seems we have a lot to discuss.”
I gape at my father, hardly able to believe my ears. Did he really just invite Brody to sit down with us? To break bread at our family table like he belongs here?
Brody looks equally stunned, his eyes widening a fraction before he quickly composes himself. “Thank you, sir. I’d be honored.”
Brody crosses the room to stand beside me, finding my hand and lacing our fingers together. “I love you, Savannah Sullivan.” His eyes shine with adoration.
“I love you too, Brody Clayton.” My heart soars with happiness. “Now and always.”
Unable to resist a moment longer, I turn into Brody’s embrace, my lips finding his in a kiss that sets my whole body on fire. He pulls me close, one hand tangling in my hair while the other splays possessively across my lower back.
Dimly, I’m aware of my family watching us, but I can’t bring myself to care. Let them see how much this man means to me. How much I need him.
We finally break apart, both of us breathing hard. As I gaze up at Brody, I feel a profound shift inside me. It’s as if the last of the shadows clouding my heart have finally been chased away, replaced by the radiant light of our love.
Brody keeps my hand clasped firmly in his as he turns to face my family again. “I appreciate you hearing me out, Mr. Sullivan. I know this isn’t easy, putting the past behind us. But I promise I will do everything in my power to make your daughter happy and to be the man she deserves.”
Dad clears his throat gruffly, but I catch the glimmer of respect in his eye. “See that you do, son. Savannah’s happiness is what matters most.”
I can’t help the surge of giddy excitement that bubbles up inside me.
Looking around the room, I realize that the same transformation seems to be reflected on the faces of my family members. Where there was once bitterness and hostility, I now see tentative smiles and misty eyes. The old wounds are beginning to heal. Hope is taking root where hatred once grew. Whatever challenges the future holds, I know we’ll face them together.
Our love has built a bridge between two warring families. And standing hand in hand with my cowboy, I’ve never felt more ready to cross it.
The End